Home Brew Question

I was going to pm a couple people on this one, but figured I may as well post this as it may help others along the way.

A good buddy of mine decided that he was quite fond of the idea of brewing and wanted to give it a whirl. I gave him all the necessary ingredients for a 100 ml batch of test e at 250mg/ml. I also gave some detailed directions of which he either lost or ended up having some type of brain lapse prior to brewing.

So what has happened is rather than follow the directions, all ingredients were put together in the first step. At this point he phoned me and asked me if it was ok. To which I said I wasnt sure and had to get back to him. Everything was dissolved heated and filtered properlly.

Another phone call shortly afterward was even more disturbing. Mysteriously he said that after filtering everything he was was short on the finished product by quite a bit. This was due to the fact that a beaker was discovered with approx 20ml of product in it. So the whole solution was either shorted BB or EO oil. I had him suck it back up into a syringe and will compare it to a sample of each to determine what was missed.

So my question is this. Is what he has there good for anything? Obviously depending on what was missed.

So regardless of what was missed he ended up with about 80mls of product at 300mg/ml at ~1.8% BA if my calculations hold true.

Im about ready to make another batch myself. Could 10mls of what he has be used to replace 10 mls of oil in my mix? Or more?
Thanks a bunch.

BB and EO act as solvents, so provided there is no clouding or crystallization his product is fine. The only drawback is that it may hurt more than normal after injecting. He can always add (using filter) the proper amount of the missing ingredient to each vial of final product, then just heat the vials on a hotplate (or use a saucepan and a stovetop) so the ingredients are fully combined. Voila.

I pretty much took it from him at this point to see if I could make something usefull from it rather than throw it out. It looks from an appearence point of view as if it was done properlly.

I was hoping it would be something simple as removing 2 mls per and adding in 2mls of BB (filtered im assuming). Heat and life is good.

Thanks a bunch. The resources that we have here with this site are amazing.

Ill say it and say it again, I wish I had something like this site to use 10-15 years ago.

Newbie on the site. Been lurking for a while and this is my first post. This thread is friggin awesome! Great information. I’ve always wanted to know the process, troubleshooting, and cost impact in comparison to the norm of placing my hard earned buck in someone’s product. A big thanks to the vets and gurus for sharhing their knowlegde, cause without it, we’d be reinventing the wheel. thanks again.

I have a question about the importation of powders. Does it make the success rate of passing US customs any better using a powder as opposed to the sachets/vials? I would assume yes but lately not much is getting in.

From my understanding a powder shipment that is under the 30 gram mark will make it through quite often, if not almost all the time.

I know a friend ordering some from a new source in the very near future and I would be more than happy to keep you posted on the success rate.

[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
From my understanding a powder shipment that is under the 30 gram mark will make it through quite often, if not almost all the time.

I know a friend ordering some from a new source in the very near future and I would be more than happy to keep you posted on the success rate.[/quote]

That would be wonderful. Thanks

[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
From my understanding a powder shipment that is under the 30 gram mark will make it through quite often, if not almost all the time.

I know a friend ordering some from a new source in the very near future and I would be more than happy to keep you posted on the success rate.[/quote]

As did a friend of mine, also. 31g, to be exact. I would need to verify this, but I was told the same - that 30g and under isn’t checked at all. Damn that 1g of anastrozole!

How could they possibly have the time? Customs would be checking nearly everything! Oh well, time will tell…

If I were buy in bulk BA, BB and cottonseed oil how long would they be good for app.?

[quote]2thepain wrote:
If I were buy in bulk BA, BB and cottonseed oil how long would they be good for app.?[/quote]

I believe one to two years. There’s a section on Supermuscle.org called “In The Kitchen” where one of the brewing gurus talks about extending the life of oils infinitely by adding grapefruit seed oil or extract. I don’t remember which additive off the top of my head.

I found the link:


[quote]5.0 wrote:
I found the link:


Excellent, thanks 5.0

I may be pestering you via PM in a couple weeks.

[quote]2thepain wrote:
5.0 wrote:
I found the link:


Excellent, thanks 5.0

I may be pestering you via PM in a couple weeks.[/quote]

I’d be glad to help.

I tried purchasing some test powder last week, sent my money order, and once i gave them my address they told me that they could not send it to me. Not because I was in the US but because I was in a certain area of the US. They refunded my money, so they seem to be legit and honest. Has anybody run into this before?

I wish I was smart enough to figure home-brewing out. It seems very interesting.

[quote]Growing_Boy wrote:
I wish I was smart enough to figure home-brewing out. It seems very interesting. [/quote]

If you can achieve a grade 12 education im sure you can figure it out. Actually if you can follow a receipe to bake a cake or cook dinner you can figure it out.

A bit of reading and research and its really not all that complicated at all.

what blows me away is how you can make something viable and sterile from raw materials from the comfort of your home.

[quote]5.0 wrote:
2thepain wrote:
If I were buy in bulk BA, BB and cottonseed oil how long would they be good for app.?

I believe one to two years. There’s a section on Supermuscle.org called “In The Kitchen” where one of the brewing gurus talks about extending the life of oils infinitely by adding grapefruit seed oil or extract. I don’t remember which additive off the top of my head. [/quote]

I haven’t read that article yet, but the logic behind it seems sketchy. In a normal, oxygen-rich environment, it makes no sense to assume that adding one organic compound to another organic compound is going to indefinitely preserve the final solution.