Hypertrophy Specific Training

I have been using HST with great success over the past few weeks. Recently I have incorporated a second “bodybuilder” style workout in the evenings and have been blown away by the results. I have so much size and fullness lately people have been commenting. My weight has not changed, but I have become more vascular. Has anyone else done anything like this?

i haven’t tried this but am about to start hst training on wednesday. I am interested in the second workouts you are performing in the evenings? what is the split and routine like?

I’m interested too. I’ve been doing HST for some months now with outstanding results, but haven’t tried the twice a day protocol yet. Are you doing the same workout twice or spliting it?

I have been doing the traditional HST split 3 days a week(MWF). In the evenings I have been doing more “bodybuilder” style workouts,ie Mon nights Chest and Bi’s; Wed nights Legs; Fri nights Back and Tri’s. I keep my volume and intesity low in the evening workouts. It just allows me to throw in some variety and specialize a bit.

By intensity do you mean % of 1RM or effort? I’m interested in HST too

Did a 4-week cycle with VERY nice results as far as hypertrophy and fat loss. I’m taking the week off and next week I’ll switch up the exercises and do another cycle. Lata.

MBE: “Havin’ a ball with androsol since 1321.”


By intensity I mean % of 5 rep max. All evening workouts are done with weights I can handle for 8-12 reps with little struggle. Different exercises than morning workout and more isolation moves thrown in.

Eric, glad to hear that. Did you use the 15,12,10,8,5 protocol?? How much did you gain? Did you enjoy the full body routine?

Mike, that’s an interesting concept. Next time i might try something like that. How many sets (total workout) did you do on the evening workout?


Mike, did you do the program as outlined by Brian Haycock? If so I am wondering what your opinion of the first two weeks with your 15RM is. I want to try HST but i am having a hard time accepting that lifting this light can have any benefit, especially starting at about 30lbs below your 15RM. If anyone else has done this and wants to chime in feel free.

I did the original 6 weeks just like Bryan outlines in his program. I needed a change so I modified it to fit my needs(BOREDOM!) It went like so: Day 1: Full body 1 set per bodypart, 15 reps per set. Day 2: Full body 1 set per bodypart, 10 reps per set. Day 3: Full body 1 set per bodypart, 5 reps per set. Evening workouts as outlined before No more than 5 sets of specialization. Reps between 8-12.

Resty, I attempet the 2 weeks of 15s and then wrote a post (basically flipping out after a bad day of training and in general) about how much I loathed the program. I decided to forego the 15’s and went w/ the original Haycock program consisting of 1 week each per rep range. I did 12’s, 10’s, and 5’s, gaining about 8 lbs. of LBM and losing a couple body fat points. During this affair I was on 4-AD for the first two weeks, Tribex/M the second two, and MD6/Old School T2/Pinnacle’s Masculean (surprisingly effective) the entire time. For my next cycle I plan to use 1 week each of 12s, 10’s, 8’s,5’s using a combo of 4-AD and Ergopharm’s 1-AD (I have about two bottles worth that I was given as a gift). I’m continuing to lean out but I’d like to put on some more mass (ie, anything I do gain will be strictly LBM). I plan on using a very eclectic assorment of exercises including but not limited to Incline Dumbell Presses, Kettlebell snatches (hehe, I’m gonna put plate-mates on the kettlebell, “Chuck” to make him heavier), weighted pull-ups, saxon side bend, ect. Should be some fucked up crazy stuph. I’ll keep you posted on my progress. Take care. Lata.

MBE: "The internet's most problematic primate since 1928."


Thanks Eric. That’s kind off similar to what i do. This time i did one week of 15,12,10,8,5,then kept increasing the weights and droping the reps till i get to 2 reps after which i’ll go on holidays and take 2 weeks off.

To AL- If you decondicion properly you might see results from the 15’s, i gained two pounds on that week.

Could anyone tell me what kind of weight increases you use when changing the target weight weekly, i.e. 15,12,10,8,5, etc.? Thanks.

I got the impression there wasn’t all that much to the deconditioning. From the article it basically seemed like deconditioning was just taking a week off. Did you do anything specific to help with this? thanx

Damn, i typed a response that somehow got lost.

Al, the decondicion is in fact 9 to 12 days off. 12 days has worked better for me abd i did gain two pounds in the first week, which i started at 50% of my 5RM.

Del, you just use your RM’s at the end of each week and subtract the desired increment to achieve the weights you’ll use in each week first two workouts. It’s advisable to zig zag the weights (which means starting a week with a lower load than the one you finished the last wotkout of the previous week) to allow you to recover as this method makes you use a reasonably high intensity most of the time and you might burn out.

I invite you to come to the HST forum at the HST site as all your questions have been discussed to death several times there.