Is it possible some body type's are hard wired to be good at resonable growth but poor strength? I know it kinda sounds stupid but...
signed; Not enough guts to start a log
Is it possible some body type's are hard wired to be good at resonable growth but poor strength? I know it kinda sounds stupid but...
signed; Not enough guts to start a log
I imagine both extremes exist amongst the 6 billion+ people on the planet: those who get big without getting “strong” and those who can become very strong without being overly large.
You can call 'em pumpers and jumpers, I guess.
Do you believe you fall into one or the other of the categories?
No one is going to call me big that’s for sure.I think I’m a typical ecto.I hate to use the word defined but it fits.My endurance is fair.For the fuck of it last year I tried to see how many push-ups I could do without stopping.Is 72 full r.o.m. in 1 min ok?I’m 183,5’9",44 yrs old.My best bench is 210lbs.
Very sad.Dead’s 305,yech’,BW dips 19.BW pull-ups 10 reps.HS shrug machine,8 45lbs plates + 2 10 lbs plates,no straps for 6 reps full r.o.m. plus pause at the top.These are just of the top of my head.My chest is 43" standing cold(not puffed out),waist 33",arms are 15 3/4" cold flexed.Legs are 26" I have no idea if these are descent or piss poor numbers.These admissions are painfull to discuss but wtf.
From checking out other logs I think this is part of the process of removing your head from your ass and setting… gulp goals.
Getting hurt and not being able to provide for my family is a big hurdle for me.I earn half of what I used to two years ago.Not looking for sympathy,things are tuff all over.Flameout has helped alot.I’m not in denial about my lack of consistency at all, I’m right where I deserve to be.Weak,however is it possible some poeple are just not strong?Any thoughts positive or negative would be appreiciated. Cheers.
You avatar cracks me up. Every time.
Yes, it’s definitely within the realm of possibility that one could be of the class of lifters who can get big but not strong.
But the reality is that the majority of people are all made of the same stuff. And strength or lack of it is a more often a matter of how you train, how you recover and how you feed the machine rather than what your genetic makeup is because the majority of us are built with the same genetic capabilities.
Y’know, a 210 lb bench is respectable. Most trainees don’t even get that far. Most people can’t even do 1 pullup. And forget about them picking up 300 lbs up off the floor. It behooves one to stay positive about the possibilities if one wishes to progress. You have to believe that you CAN progress even if it’s not happenening right at that moment for you.
I’m also an ectomorph, possibly even a marfan, I don’t know if I’ll ever get strong myself, but I intend to do what I can along those lines. Hooking up with people who know their stuff and listening to them has made a big difference for me.
[quote]skidmark wrote:
I don’t know if I’ll ever get strong myself, Hooking up with people who know their stuff and listening to them has made a big difference for me.
Just dont listen to the first part of that statement, cause if this guy ant strong no one is.
The second prat however is correct.
[quote]skidmark wrote:
You avatar cracks me up. Every time.
Yes, it’s definitely within the realm of possibility that one could be of the class of lifters who can get big but not strong.
But the reality is that the majority of people are all made of the same stuff. And strength or lack of it is a more often a matter of how you train, how you recover and how you feed the machine rather than what your genetic makeup is because the majority of us are built with the same genetic capabilities.
Y’know, a 210 lb bench is respectable. Most trainees don’t even get that far. Most people can’t even do 1 pullup. And forget about them picking up 300 lbs up off the floor. It behooves one to stay positive about the possibilities if one wishes to progress. You have to believe that you CAN progress even if it’s not happenening right at that moment for you.
I’m also an ectomorph, possibly even a marfan, I don’t know if I’ll ever get strong myself, but I intend to do what I can along those lines. Hooking up with people who know their stuff and listening to them has made a big difference for me.
Yeah, don’t listen to what Skid says about himself. Not true.
I know in my case I’m not particularly strong, and I think a lot of it has to do with speed. I’ve always been slow, and it affects the amount of power I can produce. While I’ve gotten stronger, I often think the speed is holding me back, especially obvious if you look at me squat. I’m really slow coming out of the hole. Bench too.
That said, people can get stronger, and I believe faster too.
Oh, and that avatar really is classic. Both of those guys are former bodybuilders, by the way. Bolo Yeung also powerlifted. Guy’s huge. And strong. Probably really fast. Jerk.
I think I’m a split personality. I can get my upper body big in a heart beat. My legs however, may look good but 22" is small. Hard as I try, the size just doesn’t happen.
I think it is valid to have people who proportionally get bigger without getting much stronger. I myself got a little bigger but lack so much in the strength department. Also, as skidmark suggested, the type training really makes a difference and the ROM of exercises make the ultimate difference in squats for me.
For example, both my brother and I used to do Westside style - suspended chain high squats with 585lbs, but can barely do ATG full squats with a pause at the bottom with 315lbs. Also, many people write bullshit numbers on the Internet because they can. Lastly, I rarely see people doing full squats/ deadlifts/ olympic lifts/ in any of the gyms I go to (which are several).
Thanks for taking the time to reply people.Skid you don’t have enough fat on you to fry an egg lol,thats discipline.Same to the others.I’ve always been flexible so ATG squats is no problem.The speed angle is somthing i’ve been wondering about as well.Motor recruitment etc.
I was given a membership to a glo-bo gym three months ago after training at home and my effort level has gone up.After the initial shock of seeing all the crazy shit going on there I can focus better.Legs is what I want to target the most for the next few months.The balancing act of training hard and not being miserable doing it is tuff as we all know.I’ve never set a target weight for any lift but it seems to be a common theme on the training logs.Might be time.
I’ll pick a leg program for strength and buckle my chin strap.Thanks for not flaming me on those lift numbers btw.Not that I cant’t take a good shot or two, it keeps a person humble ya know.The BB forum would have roasted me alive.The high altitude on Mt.Hubris clouds thier thinking process somteimes.I’m confidant Karma will take care of that.Or natural selection.Not to sound like a crusty old goat.I still love video games,HA. Cheers.