Squat 115x 2 minutes (3
Leg Ext 1x30 (10 in/10straight/10 out) 1x30 (same) 12 second rest
Leg Curls 2x8 2x8 2x18 (12 second rest)
Chinups 9 6 4 2 mins
Chin PUll Downs 190x4 190x4 1 min
Wow what a workout! I hadn’t felt this good for feeling spent in a while. I’m trying the Hungarian Oak Leg Blast posted by Christian Thibaudeau and man it feels pretty good.
He said the guy used 135lbs as it was 30% of his Max squat, and since mine is 385 I thought i’d go ahead and do 30% also to try it out. 115lbs wasn’t ‘ruff’ but i can see how after 3 mins its going to get that way. I’ll continue to post how it goes for the rest of the 8 weeks. If anyone else is doing it, let me know how it works for you.
Atm I’m 192lbs 17% body fat. 23inch legs.
Max Squat 385
Max Bench 240
Max Deadlift (who knows never go above 225 when doin reps)
I tried the Hungarian Oak Leg Blast and could barely walk for 3 days after. Since then I have been toying with time based workouts rather than rep based
Anyone care to try this with chest or back? I know the time frame might differ, but why not give it a go? However, it kinda seems like some other ideas already on this site. EDT and so on…
I just finished my 3rd workout in this fashion. My conditioning is pretty good, so I started at 4 mins, and have kept all 3 sessions at 4 mins so far, but Wed will be at 4:20. Last night I did something a little different. I worked up to 2 sets of max triples, then did 4 mins of squats with 135. Then 1 set of 3-position extensions, and 3 sets of 8 on leg curls.
I’m doing time-based workouts, and I’ve posted it here. My results so far: increase of 9 lbs in 8 days. But I had cut down to 185 for an MMA fight.
As of this morning I am 194. I was 11% BF when I checked it last in late Jan. Not sure now.
Squat 135x 2:20 mins (46)
Leg Ext 1x30 1x30 (12 second rest)
Leg Curls 3x8 4x8 4x20 12 second rest
So we all do stupid stuff right? Well I bumped it up from 115lbs to 135lbs today for the 20 second increase and MAN I got my rear kicked for it. The 2:20 was alot tuffer with an extra 920lbs lifted if I had done the 115lbs instead. Legs were burning and shaking but managed to keep the rest down as best I could. Still managed a 3 seconds per squat which wasn’t bad. The leg extensions still shake with exustion even with just one plate ATM. I upped the weight on the curls, and think next time i’ll try adding another plate on them. I’ll be honest and say this workout really fatigues your legs big time. I’ll be honest and say I can’t imagine doing 8 minutes straight atm but we’ll keep pushing for it.
Well got the Flu, type A, and going to miss my lifts on friday I think for this. Might try on Saturday to get it in depending on how I feel.
I don’t get cramps in my back when doing squats but notbragging my form is pretty dead on.
Biggest concern atm is getting enough food in me to prevent the loss of weight/lean mass as my yesterday was the first day i was sick and besides a little bread and soup, i didn’t eat jack.
Squat 135x3 Minutes (56 rep)
Leg Ext 40x30 40x30 12 second rest
Leg Curls 60x8 60x8 60x20 12 sec rest
Wew what a morning… my calves were feeling it from the 40 mins of plyometrics yesterday and so my upper legs took it today. I felt good for the 3 minutes, it was tuff and i’m huffing and puffing but 56 reps wasn’t bad. I’d love to be at 20 per minute for each minute but i’m realistic and realize we tire out some. I bumped up the weight on both the curls and the extensions and again was huffing and grunting as it was painful/completely draining. But at the end of it all it felt great and I can notice a difference in my legs already.
Squat 135x 3:20 mins (61 reps)
Leg Ext 30x30 40x30 12 second rest
Leg Curls 70x8 80x8 80x15 12 second rest
Good workout this morning. Felt good after having the weekend off to have such a good leg workout. Upped the weight on my curls. Will say the time squating is really an endurance workout also. You can find yourself really sucking down air as you hit that 2:30 minute mark.
Definatly starting to feel a difference in my legs now. Right leg is 23.75 inches so its a .75 increase on my leg so far (left is 24 inches but its always been bigger). Have gained 2lbs or so since last weight in on saturday. Would be interested to see how my max squat looks at the end of 8 weeks of this.
Yes it would be interesting to see how this effects your max squat, I can see that extra muscle mass helping a whole lot.
Good luck, I hope you manage to maintain the progress each week. Do you have a training partner to encourage you through the sets?
I’m pretty good at self motivation, though I wish I had a partner. My biggest thing as the clock keeps increasing is maintaining an increase in the # of squats done. I slow up some as i’m gulpin air down, but I don’t want to spend alot of time just ‘sitting’ there resting vs getting the squats in.
Drinking TONS of milk (50onces + a day) and keeping a hi protein intake. Biggest issue I have really is eating alot. I get 3000-3500 calores but i have to WORK at it… I eat clean (fruit/meat/dairy/nuts/vegis/etc) and stay away from alot of the ‘crap’ like fast food (with the occasional ‘treat’ once a week). I could easily load up on 1k+ extra calories doing McDonalds and Ffries but i’d rather eat good stuff imho. I get 1000 calories from my protein shakes mixed in milk. this morning I choked down a breakfast burrito after eating my cheerios/fruit and all but it was tuff… just not used to eating alot. Its 5-6 meals a day all kinda small.
Squat 135x 3:20 mins (61 reps)
Leg Ext 30x30 40x30 12 second rest
Leg Curls 70x8 80x8 80x15 12 second rest
Good workout this morning. Felt good after having the weekend off to have such a good leg workout. Upped the weight on my curls. Will say the time squating is really an endurance workout also. You can find yourself really sucking down air as you hit that 2:30 minute mark. Definatly starting to feel a difference in my legs now. Right leg is 23.75 inches so its a .75 increase on my leg so far (left is 24 inches but its always been bigger). Have gained 2lbs or so since last weight in on saturday. Would be interested to see how my max squat looks at the end of 8 weeks of this.[/quote]
I’m interested to see how it affects your max squat also…keep us updated!
Squat 135x3:40 min (67 reps)
Leg Ext 40x30 50x30 12 sec rest
Leg Curls 70x8 80x8 90x8
Wow what a workout. Man my legs were killing me I almost fell over after standing up from the Leg curls. I added weight on the extensions and thought my legs were going to fall off. The curls were just as bad by the time I finished them. I really have felt great and seen some good improvements but this routine is pure punishment now in some ways. I’m fighting fatigue/wear out on the squats as I do a full knee bend (no half squats), and as soon as I finish one exercise i’m on the other one within 20-30 seconds. Going to get a massage this weekend and I’m thinking i’ll have them spend most the time on my legs.