Hungarian Oak Leg Blast for Other Body Parts?

I’m getting killer results with this routine. I finally hit 100 reps even today on 5:30. Any chance the same principles could be applied to bench and OHP? Not in the same cycle of course.


I cannot really comment because even though I wrote the article, it’s not a program I did or used with any of my clients. I reported what a certain athlete was doing.

My gut instinct is that it wouldn’t work as well with upper body lifts, especially those of a pressing nature. I believe that you’d fatigue way too much to be able to use any decent amount of weight. Especially on the overhead press. Withe fatigue you might not even be able to do the full duration with an empty bar.

But feel free to try it and let me know how it went.

I see what you’re saying. I may be tempted to try it. I’ll let you know how it goes in a few months. Perhaps a modifier for bench could be push ups? Thanks for the reply.

Or any machine that allows you to rest safely while still under load.

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That’s a good thought too. Thanks

I was planning to do it too! How it’s going with the results? You are keeping constant tension all the time? I mean, do you stop? Thanks for your time, you can reach 8 minutes!!

The results really are phenomenal. I’m only using 95lbs and it’s the most leg growth I’ve had over the course of one month in my life. I bust out the first 20-30 reps pretty quickly then take a couple second rest and then keep the pace as fast as I can throughout the remaining with a couple breaks here and there for a couple seconds. I never rack. The very first workout I think I got something like 32 reps in 2 minutes. The last workout was 5:30 and I hit 100. The one thing I do differently though is I add more hamstring work. My hamstrings are far below my quads so they need the extra attention. I do 6 sets of iso holds to failure, which is usually around a 30 sec hold with a heavy weight and then immediately drop the weight and do 10 reps. The incremental progression with the squats prevents me from being overly sore. Maybe a 1 or 2/10 of soreness for the following day and I feel ready to hit it hard again later in the week. I generally respond better to higher reps on just about everything so I’m not surprised this is working great for me which is why I wanted to see if I could do it on other body parts.
Good luck on the routine. I think you’ll see some great results!