HRT Roll Call

In spirit of TC’s latest article on test. I was wondering how many 35 or olders are on HRT?

Doctor prescribed or not, I am mainly looking for folks that are on under 500mg of test per week and how are your results?

Is the libido stronger?
Are you getting positive gains in training?

What other benefits are you getting?

Just looking at getting a thread that shows some good or negative long term effects of HRT.

I know many of us over 35 who are on legally Rx’d TRT…

Androgel every day - levels went from 292 to almost 900. Everything is better, esp libido and drive.

Also, I envy Bushy. I am at the limit of what I can do legally here, but it sounds like he can pretty much do what he likes with his own body. What a concept!

I am currently on 300 mg of Test Cyp every 2 weeks. My libido skyrocketed and all my lifts are up. My endurance is up. Since switching from gels to shots, i’ve gained several pounds of muscle and lost fat.

The results of all this really took off after I found the right therapy and WHERE TO INJECT. I have very little fat on my ass and none on my thighs, but injection into the thigh made a real difference.

I also take 4 caps/day of TRIBEX Gold and it truly is gold. I really notice when I take a couple of days off, as we’re supposed to. Its also lots cheaper than Alpha Male, though I might give the new Alpha Male a try.

Start with the gels, evaluate, graduate to injections if not satisfied. Simple. Works.


I’m 45, been on HRT since last November due a very low T-level of 227 ng/dl and after trying Testim, then Androgel, we’ve settled on 150 mg/weekly of test cyp. I didn’t get my results from the last blood test to see what my morning before weekly nighttime injection T-level is, the nurse only said “looks good, see you in 6 months…”.

Libido is way up.

I have far greater recuperation ability now, so I’m able to train harder and more frequently so I’m seeing real gains for the first time in years. Fat is melting off nicely too and my appetite is way up.

My mental sharpness also seems to be way up and I’m able to work very long days and not be completely burnt out anymore.

Overall, I feel great and will keep doing HRT until they pry my t-cyp vile from my horny old hands many years from now!

Just had my does raised from 5g a day to 10 g a day of androgel, last blood work was still low. I go back in about 4 weeks, and even though I feel great I hope injections are next.

It’s unreal how much better you feel all around. The drive in the weight and bed room is fu%$ing greatttt.

Well,like most that are on inj. I started on the gels first with so so results,after finally finding the right doc. switched to test cyp. 100mg.a week with 100mg hcg once weekly
after 5 weeks had my first blood test and my free T was 75 points over the top of the scale so i have backed off to 75mg once weekly,with the next blood test in about three weeks.

Libido shot waaaay up,ED. problems history!,I am hardly ever sore after a good workout,I sleep less,my bitch tits are going away,and generaly feel great.BTW i am 41(42 in 4 weeks).

To take this in a differnt direction, any guy’s noticed that since on T, your wife’s ever get a lil bit more short? seems since in raised my T wife seem’s lil bit shorter with the kids. might be the age with summer, heheheheheh

Been on HRT since Aug 05. My test levels went down while on Testim, my free t was almost nonexistant, so I started cypionate shots in Feb 06 at 200mg per week. I am 42 and am as strong as I was when I was 25, then a 1440 total at 165, I just train smarter now.

I have been on HRT for almost 8 years, started at 38. There is so many things to watch for.
I am on .5cc per week due to not having much SHBG ( sex hormone binding golbulian)( no comments on the spelling).
I am also taking 1mg of Aridimex to stop the aromatise of test to estrogen, it has brought the level down from 400 to under 100. And thats only at a dose of 1mg 3 times a week, reason was even at a low dose I was experiencing side effects of to high a estrogen level so have that checked every time the test is tested.
The sex aspect is better but rember it is a level drug the absorbtion is the reason why it is kike a scale starts low incresses to its peak and then drops again meaning if on a weekly schedual day 3,4,5 will be peak days.
The nice thing is everyone can adjust to your life style, if you are a weekender adjust to due injections on wensday to get the peak on the weekend.
A two week shedule will peak on day 5-10.
I hope this helps any one out there I am going good not to much into the bodybuilding any more (not 20 anymore)but hoping that the age waits a while before catching up having to much fun enjoyong this second youth.

It seems that DR prescribed HRT is rising in the US, Im wondering if the Docs here in Canada are waking up yet.

[quote]maxx power wrote:
It seems that DR prescribed HRT is rising in the US, Im wondering if the Docs here in Canada are waking up yet.[/quote]

I don’t know where you live in Ontario but there is an HRT clinic in Burlington that specializes in these issues. I don’t think it’s as popular in Canada yet due to our socialized healthcare, but it exists thankfully.

Hello All,
I’m new here but have found lots of excellent information. I’ll be 42 in September and have started lifting again in April. I’ve been neglecting my health for the past several years and now I’m back on track. I went over my blood work with my Doc today and he has put me on 5mg Testim daily. My Test was 224. No wonder I’ve been feeling like crap and my sex drive in the toilet. Question: How long before I feel a difference?

[quote]lookforbalance wrote:
Hello All,
I?m new here but have found lots of excellent information. I’ll be 42 in September and have started lifting again in April. I’ve been neglecting my health for the past several years and now I’m back on track. I went over my blood work with my Doc today and he has put me on 5mg Testim daily. My Test was 224. No wonder I’ve been feeling like crap and my sex drive in the toilet. Question: How long before I feel a difference? [/quote]

Everyone’s body is different.

Welcome to the site btw.

[quote]lookforbalance wrote:
Hello All,
I?m new here but have found lots of excellent information. I’ll be 42 in September and have started lifting again in April. I’ve been neglecting my health for the past several years and now I’m back on track. I went over my blood work with my Doc today and he has put me on 5mg Testim daily. My Test was 224. No wonder I’ve been feeling like crap and my sex drive in the toilet. Question: How long before I feel a difference? [/quote]

With gels circulating T levels reach normal levels within hours of beginning use, but you will feel a difference almost instantly, no more than minutes. Expect a burst of energy, not altogether different than drinking a double espresso.

[quote]toddberlin wrote:
lookforbalance wrote:
Hello All,
I?m new here but have found lots of excellent information. I’ll be 42 in September and have started lifting again in April. I’ve been neglecting my health for the past several years and now I’m back on track. I went over my blood work with my Doc today and he has put me on 5mg Testim daily. My Test was 224. No wonder I’ve been feeling like crap and my sex drive in the toilet. Question: How long before I feel a difference?

With gels circulating T levels reach normal levels within hours of beginning use, but you will feel a difference almost instantly, no more than minutes. Expect a burst of energy, not altogether different than drinking a double espresso.

Thank you for the replies. Yesterday afternoon I applied the gel after I filled the scrip and it’s hard to say if I felt anything. I did wake up this morning with morning wood however - coincidence? I applied the gel again this morning prior to leaving for work and I’m still not really sure I feel anything. I train in the middle of the day so I’ll see how that feels. Those that have tried different medications … how long did your Doc wait before switching you? I’m not scheduled to see him again for two months.

[quote]lookforbalance wrote:

Thank you for the replies. Yesterday afternoon I applied the gel after I filled the scrip and it’s hard to say if I felt anything. I did wake up this morning with morning wood however - coincidence? I applied the gel again this morning prior to leaving for work and I?m still not really sure I feel anything. I train in the middle of the day so I?ll see how that feels. Those that have tried different medications ? how long did your Doc wait before switching you? I?m not scheduled to see him again for two months. [/quote]

Congrats on the morning wood. The Testim would certainly contribute.

Physiologically, your body now has higher T levels than it did yesterday. What level? Impossible to say without testing, but a wild guess would be 700-ish. Right now your body is getting the 5 g of Testim, combined with the full 224 ng/dl of testicular T production.

What will happen over the next two months is your testicular T production will fall and stabilize at a low level, while your body absorbs the Testim. Your total T will drop below what it is right now (testicular T + Testim T), but will be higher than yesterday (testicular T only). So when you go back to your doctor in two months you will get a fairly accurate assessment of where you are and can expect to remain.

I cannot locate my Testim info, but I recall the typical patient at two months using 5 g stabilizes around 500 ng/dl. In my opinion that is too low, but you’ll have to decide for yourself based on how you feel.

In my own experience I perform best at about 850 ng/dl, which is where I am now. I got to that level after years of experimentation with different levels and drugs: Androderm, Androgel, Testim, compounded cream, injections; HRT T levels as low as 400 ng/dl and as high as 1800 ng/dl.

With Testim, I used 5 g and 10 g for a few months and was never really satisfied. I objected to the oily feel and musky smell of Testim in particular, and as with all gels and creams I objected to the inconvenience of daily application, risk of transfer, and high cost.

Currently I self inject 110 cc’s T Cyp-100 weekly and it seems to be the best balance of all factors: mental acuity, psychological well being, physical prowess, sexual drive, and ease of use. I am 38 years old, 6’2", 231 lbs, 22% BF, and have used HRT for 5 years.

Good luck!

[quote]toddberlin wrote:

What will happen over the next two months is your testicular T production will fall and stabilize at a low level, while your body absorbs the Testim. Your total T will drop below what it is right now (testicular T + Testim T), but will be higher than yesterday (testicular T only). [/quote]

What happened to me when I started 5 grams/daily of testim is I felt great on day 2 and by day 14 my natural production started to shutdown so that by day 30 my T-level was actually lower than my starting natural level of 227 ng/dl and I felt worse overall. I got bumped to 10 grams daily of testim and felt great for the next 2 months until I started to get a nasty skin reaction.

I suspect most men either wind up at 10 grams daily of Testim/androgel or eventually switch over to injections. The doctors like to start out very conservatively with 5 grams/daily to handle the case of the “super responders” who get very high levels from 5 grams and shouldn’t use 10 grams daily. My doctor has been very easy to work with and glady bumped me to 10 grams and eventually to injections. It may take a few months to get to your final treatment plan, but you’re on the right track!

Good luck!