How's This Full Body Split?

DAY 1:

Incline bench presses
wide grip chins
overhead presses
front squats

DAY 2:
flat bench presses
bent over rows
hammer curls
reverse flyes
zercher deadlifts

I don’t know what a good rep scheme would be for this though. I am training for strength and size. I can only do this on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and of course it alternates each day from day1 to day2. Thanks for the help.

[quote]CatchW wrote:
DAY 1:
Incline bench presses
wide grip chins
overhead presses
front squats[/quote]

Four upper body exercises and one lower body exercise. IMBALANCED.

[quote]DAY 2:
flat bench presses
bent over rows
hammer curls
reverse flyes
zercher deadlifts[/quote]

Four upper body exercises one lower body exercise. IMBALANCED.

Try one of the programs on the site. Some of the better full-body workouts include the Strength Focused Mesocycle (by CW), Total Body Training (by CW) and Renaissance Body Development (by CT). There are also some others.

I posted some of the workouts I used to gain size and strength in the Photo Forum from last August. They were based on CW’s workouts, and they were much more balanced than what you have, and I used varied rep ranges each workout. You should go check it out. I think it was posted under “Nate Dogg In Training” in the photo forum.

If you just want to use two days, I would suggest an upper/lower split.

Something like:

1.Bench Press 3x3
2.BB Row 3x3
A1. BB Incline 4x6
A2. T-Bar Rows 4x6

1.Squat 3x3
2.GM 3x3
A1. BB Step ups 4x6
A2. Weighted GHR 4x6

Just a simple sample. Rep ranges are up you, depending on your goals.