Ok, I’m going to be going on the training with maximal weights program by Poliquin.
I was thinking of spliting it up like this
Sun: Chest and Back
A1 Bent over rows
A2 Decline Bench Press
B1 Seated Row
B2 Dips
Tues: Legs and abs
A1 Straight Leg deadlifts
A2 Power Cleans
B1 Glute Ham raise
B2 Squats
C Abs
Thurs: Arms
A1 Negative chins (I can’t do a chin up yet)
A2 Close Grip Bench
B1 Barbbell Curl
B2 PushDowns
I was also tossing around the idea of doing 3 full body work outs, but I’m not sure I could effectively structure a program inside these limits. But, if anyone has come up with a full body program on this templete, plese pm me or respond to the thread.
I wouldnt recomend decline if anything do some dumbells on incline or normal bench or just barbell but if your going for looks id go around 10reps with dumbells those always hit my chest better then barbell
[quote]zarro wrote:
Ok, I’m going to be going on the training with maximal weights program by Poliquin.
I was thinking of spliting it up like this
Sun: Chest and Back
A1 Bent over rows
A2 Decline Bench Press
B1 Seated Row
B2 Dips
Tues: Legs and abs
A1 Straight Leg deadlifts
A2 Power Cleans
B1 Glute Ham raise
B2 Squats
C Abs
Thurs: Arms
A1 Negative chins (I can’t do a chin up yet)
A2 Close Grip Bench
B1 Barbbell Curl
B2 PushDowns
I was also tossing around the idea of doing 3 full body work outs, but I’m not sure I could effectively structure a program inside these limits. But, if anyone has come up with a full body program on this templete, plese pm me or respond to the thread.[/quote]
First, I think doing basic exercises on three non-consecutive days is an excellent approach. Here’s my critique:
Sun.: You’re doing two exercises for chest that stress lower chest. Unless that’s a weakpoint or you have such strong shoulders you can’t get pec development otherwise I would do incline presses instead of decline.
I would also move the chins here from Thurs. and get rid of one of the rowing motions.
Tues. I just don’t see doing squats after supersetting power cleans and sldls. I also wouldn’t superset power cleans and sldls. I would just squat, sldl, standing calf raises, and some ab work.
Thurs. You need a shoulder movement or two. How about standing presses, upright rows, barbell curls, and then skullcrushers?
Full body workouts: There are a lot of great ones on T-Nation.
Well I think your doing too much stuff that would overload the lower back.
I would go for:
Day One: Arms
A-1: One Arm Dumbbell Scott Curls
5 x 5
A-2: California Presses
5 x 5 reps
B-1: Seated, Offset-Grip Dumbbell Curls
3 x 7
B-2: Decline DB Tricep Extensions
3 x 7
Day Two: Legs / Calves
A-1: Barbell Squats
5 x 5
A-2: Good Mornings
5 x 5 reps
B-1: Seated Calve Raises
3 x 15-20
B-2: Tibilias Pullins
3 x 8-10
Day three: off
Day four: Chest/Back
A-1: Dumbbell Bench presses(palms facing)
5 x 5
A-2: Semi-Supinated Chin ups
5 x 5
B-1: Decline DB Presses
3 sets of 8-10 reps
B-2: Seated Rope Pulls to the neck
3 sets of 12-15 reps
Day Five: Off
Day Six: Repeat
I like the idea of using stength protocols for the first 2 exercises then using hypertrophy (higher reps) for the last to exercises.