How’s this for my first meal of the day as well as the meal before my workout?
1/2 c of oatmeal w/ handful of blueberries
8 oz of 2% milk with 1 scoop of strawberry Low-Carb Grow!
1 c of green tea
3 fish oil capsules
2 capsules of Spike
Is the milk/ Grow! combo a good choice? I can’t stomach Surge before my workout so I have to drink it after.
sometimes my post work out meal makes me a little sick if i take it immideatly after. but before im fine, as long as im not squatting with a full stomach
The sense is right there. After my workout is just that… after my workout. Being all bloated and what not after my workout isn’t as much of a problem because I’m not working out.
[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
Looks fine.
But why can’t you stomach Surge before you workout, but you can later? That makes no sense.[/quote]