Guys, I wouldn’t dream of missing my Surge post workout. The trouble is I lift on my lunch. Around 8am I have a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with 1 scoop of Low-Carb Grow!. Then around 10, I eat a handful of mixed nuts. About 11:15 I have my Power Drive shake, and then at 11:50 I take 1/2 of my Surge shake. I then go lift from 12-1 and come back and down my second half of my Surge. The problem is, I am starving when I get back from the gym. Do I really need to wait a whole hour before eating anything? What can I eat to fill my stomach til I can eat my lunch? If I eat lunch before the gym, the results are no different…I am still hungry afterwards. HELP!
I too workout during my lunch hour.
the wait one hour after the 2nd.
Surge is not written in stone…
half hour works for me…
[quote]SGrim80 wrote:
Guys, I wouldn’t dream of missing my Surge post workout. The trouble is I lift on my lunch. Around 8am I have a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with 1 scoop of Low-Carb Grow!. Then around 10, I eat a handful of mixed nuts. About 11:15 I have my Power Drive shake, and then at 11:50 I take 1/2 of my Surge shake. I then go lift from 12-1 and come back and down my second half of my Surge. The problem is, I am starving when I get back from the gym. Do I really need to wait a whole hour before eating anything? What can I eat to fill my stomach til I can eat my lunch? If I eat lunch before the gym, the results are no different…I am still hungry afterwards. HELP![/quote]
Try eating more food for your 10 am meal. A handful of nuts isn’t much. I would eat the nuts later anyway, I prefer to get most of my carbs earlier in the day and PWO and get in most of my fats later in the day. Anyway, eating more at that time would help stave off the hunger a while longer.
[quote]super saiyan wrote:
SGrim80 wrote:
Guys, I wouldn’t dream of missing my Surge post workout. The trouble is I lift on my lunch. Around 8am I have a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with 1 scoop of Low-Carb Grow!. Then around 10, I eat a handful of mixed nuts. About 11:15 I have my Power Drive shake, and then at 11:50 I take 1/2 of my Surge shake. I then go lift from 12-1 and come back and down my second half of my Surge. The problem is, I am starving when I get back from the gym. Do I really need to wait a whole hour before eating anything? What can I eat to fill my stomach til I can eat my lunch? If I eat lunch before the gym, the results are no different…I am still hungry afterwards. HELP!
Try eating more food for your 10 am meal. A handful of nuts isn’t much. I would eat the nuts later anyway, I prefer to get most of my carbs earlier in the day and PWO and get in most of my fats later in the day. Anyway, eating more at that time would help stave off the hunger a while longer.[/quote]
Eating more for my 10am meal? Have any reccomendations? I am 6’0" 212 at about 15% bodyfat.
Not a big deal, especially if you are only having half a Surge PWO. Definitely increase your first two meals, it will increase satiety throughout the day. Also, I wouldn’t drink that first half of your Surge until you were ten minutes into your workout. Sounds nit-picky but you seem to be looking for exact answers.
[quote]apayne wrote:
Not a big deal, especially if you are only having half a Surge PWO. Definitely increase your first two meals, it will increase satiety throughout the day. Also, I wouldn’t drink that first half of your Surge until you were ten minutes into your workout. Sounds nit-picky but you seem to be looking for exact answers.[/quote]
Thanks man. I am just looking to dial in my diet for summer. I need to drop about 15 pounds (maybe more) of pure fat out of my stomach for the summer. Thats the place I really hold it.
Yea, don’t start the Surge till you’re already in you’re workout. just go down to the smallest serving size (if you’re not using that already), and eat your lunch immediately after the workout that way you can still eat before headed back to work.
Your post about what to eat came up after I had submitted. You definitely need more protein, with your first meal and your 10 am meal. Keep in mind that Surge only has 25g protein for two scoops, so you’ll need a solid amount of protein in your first solid pwo meal.
The ten o clock meal is a tough call. I would eat a solid protein source (chicken,etc.). Actually, cottage cheese might be a good choice because it has carbs but they are low and the slow digesting protein will last through your workout. I would also probably have an apple and maybe some broccoli(personal choice). You should probably save the nuts until a little later in the day. I know they help with hunger but if you throw some fibrous veggies into that 10am meal you should be fine.
I’m 5’9" 142 lbs and I put down about 1-1.5 cups of oatmeal every morning, and two cups when I have an hour to spare to gorge myself. Eat a bigger serving of oats at 8am, and have a big 10 am meal too. Try 1 lb of mixed veggies (50 g low gi carbs) and some cheese (or another fat source) if you like it. Skip the Surge until you are well into your workout also.
and in my opinion you don’t need to wait an hour before you can start eating something.
When I lift, I have my shake during and right after my workout, and about a half hour later I chug another small protein shake and start gorging myself on french bread. Bagels work too, anything made with white flour and low fat.
However, I am bulking. Your goals may be different; don’t try this at home.
What types of things do you lunchtime lifters eat after your Surge? What about a snack before you go home for dinner? Basically I try to eat at 8:30, 10:30, 12 lift, 1 Surge, 2:00, 6:00, and shake before bed at 11.
With only a handful of nuts at 10am, how can you NOT be hungry after your workout? I admit that my input may not be the most educated, but this is where I am. I eat “lunch” at 10am, lift at 11:30, and have a post workout Smoothie. Lunch is moderate, but packed with protein & some carbs - boiled eggs & fruit or veggies / tuna or chicken salad / CHILI with meat, rice, & pasta. I save the nuts for an afternoon snack to hold me off until dinner, but I want some Muscle Fuel for my 10am.
I would like to add…
that your 10am drop maybe the nuts.
and eat some oatmeal with some Grow!
that should help…and save the nuts
for late afternoon.
SGrim80, listen to D-Tap 2 w/ Dr. JB. You, like many others, are guilty of worrying too much about the small details. Lift hard using compound full-body exercises, eat well, and rest. Thats it. It’s great to see that you’re using Surge to take advantage of PWO nutrition. As far as a “solution” to your problem. Eat your big breakfast w/ P+C(oats, fruit, Grow!, eggs, etc.) before work @ 8. @ 10:30, have yourself a pre-workout snack/meal of some protein+carbs. You could bring 1/2 cup of oats and an apple/berries/orange/pick a fruit plus some cottage cheese or another source of protein. Point is, find a way to eat a solid meal before you hit the gym(this shouldn’t be too hard). You say you are trying to drop 15 lbs., so start sipping your Surge towards the end of your workout, finishing your serving immediately after as directed on this site countless times. 45 min to an hour later, have a meal w/ protein and carbs. You say you are trying to lose fat and presumably retain LBM, so make sure to eat a good source of protein w/ carbs after.(if you don’t want starchy carbs like oats or whole wheat bread, go for lots of veggies+some fruit). It’s now approximately 2 o’clock. Have a small snack @ around 4:30-5 consisting of nuts&jerky or whatever. Then have your dinner a few hours later. Have slow-digesting protein(Grow! and cottage cheese+ healthy fats) before bed. Sleep well and repeat. Hope this helps
[quote]vandalay15 wrote:
SGrim80, listen to D-Tap 2 w/ Dr. JB. You, like many others, are guilty of worrying too much about the small details. Lift hard using compound full-body exercises, eat well, and rest. Thats it. It’s great to see that you’re using Surge to take advantage of PWO nutrition. As far as a “solution” to your problem. Eat your big breakfast w/ P+C(oats, fruit, Grow!, eggs, etc.) before work @ 8. @ 10:30, have yourself a pre-workout snack/meal of some protein+carbs. You could bring 1/2 cup of oats and an apple/berries/orange/pick a fruit plus some cottage cheese or another source of protein. Point is, find a way to eat a solid meal before you hit the gym(this shouldn’t be too hard). You say you are trying to drop 15 lbs., so start sipping your Surge towards the end of your workout, finishing your serving immediately after as directed on this site countless times. 45 min to an hour later, have a meal w/ protein and carbs. You say you are trying to lose fat and presumably retain LBM, so make sure to eat a good source of protein w/ carbs after.(if you don’t want starchy carbs like oats or whole wheat bread, go for lots of veggies+some fruit). It’s now approximately 2 o’clock. Have a small snack @ around 4:30-5 consisting of nuts&jerky or whatever. Then have your dinner a few hours later. Have slow-digesting protein(Grow! and cottage cheese+ healthy fats) before bed. Sleep well and repeat. Hope this helps[/quote]
Thanks Vandalay…I’ll check out the new D-Tap as well…