The title pretty much says it all.
After years on different push/pull/legs i want to try something new and i quess i’m looking for some new ideas.
So if your primariy/only goal was hypertrophy how would you fill the split below up?
And to you who are used to hitting each muscle around every 3rd and 4th day, do you think ~70h rest will be enough after “upper” before the back is hit again on “pull” with the volume in my example?
I’ve never hit any muscle that frequent before and i don’t want to risk an injury because of insufficient recovery (recently been out of the gym because of a grade 1 tear in my left triceps long head and a herniated disc, so i’m kinda overcautious atm).
Day 1 - Lower
Day 2
Day 3 - Upper
Day 4
Day 5 - Legs
Day 6 - Pull
Day 7 - Push
Day 8
Here’s what i’ve come up with, and as mentioned earlier i recently herniated my L5-S1 disc so squats, deads, free rows etc is something i won’t be able to do for a long time, if ever.
/2.5’, /2’ etc behind reps is rest between sets (in minutes).
Leg press: 3x6 + 1x8 (-20%)/2.5’
Bulgarian split squat: 2x10/1.5’
Natural GHR: 3x6/2.5’
Seated unilateral leg curl: 3x10/1.5’
Calf press in leg press: 3x6 + 2x6-10/1’
Bench: 3x6
Incline dumbbell press: 3x8
Neutral pull-ups: 3x6
Lying dumbbell row: 3x8
Lateral raise + rear delt flyes: 3x10/1’
V-bar pushdowns: 3x10/1.5’
Preacher curl: 3x10/1.5’
Leg press: 3x8 + 1x10 (-20%)/2’
Bulgarian split squat: 2x12/1.5’
Natural GHR: 3x8/2’
Seated unilateral leg curl: 3x10/1.5’
Calf press in leg press: 3x8 + 2x13-15/1’
Neutral pull-ups: 3x8/2’
Lying dumbbell row: 3x10/1.5’
Unilateral hammer strength row: 2x12/1.5’
Barbell shrugs: 4x8/1.5’
Preacher curl: 3x8/1.5’
Unilateral cable hammer curl: 2x12/1’
Bench: 3x8 + 1x10 (-20%)/2’
Dumbbell shoulder press: 3x8/1.5’
Cable flyes: 2x12/1.5’
Lateral raise: 3x10/1’
V-bar pushdowns: 3x8/1.5’
Unilateral cable tricepextension: 2x12/1’
Something like Layne Norton’s original PHAT routine could work for you, changing some of the lifts and maybe toning down the volume if you fill it necessary. At the very least it’s a starting point for ya.
Monday: Upper Power -5x5 or 3x5 for all lifts
Barbell Bench Press
Barbell Rows
Military Press
Barbell Curl
Skull crushers or heavy dips
Barbell Shrugs
Tues: Lower Power -5x5 or 3x5 for all lifts(5x5 on bulk cause recovery is better, 3x5 on cut)
Back Squat
Stiff Leg Deadlift, Or Romanian DL
heavy hip thrust
6-8 sets of Standing Calf, little higher reps, I like to do 6-8 on heavy days
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Hypertrophy Chest/Arms (For hypertrophy days I never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)
DB Incline Bech 3x8-12
Barbell Close Grip Bench 3x8-12
DB Flat Bench 2x8-12
Preacher Curls 3x8-12 super setted with
Standing French Press 3x8-12
Push Downs 3x8-12 super setted with
DB Hammer Curls 3x8-12
Machine Curl 3x8-12 supersetted with
Machine Dips 3x8-12
Cable Crossovers 3x8-12
Pullovers 3x8-12
Friday: Hypertrophy Shoulders/Back/Traps (For hypertrophy days I never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)
DB Shoulder Press 3x8-12 super setted with DB Lateral Raise 3x8-12
Bent Over Row 3x8-12 super setted with
Bradford Press 3x8-12
Lat Pull Down (Wide Grip) 3x8-12 super setted with
Shrugs 3x10-15
Lat Pull Down (Close grip, palms facing in) 2x8-12 super setted with
Upright Row 2x10-15
Saturday: Hypertrophy Legs/Calves (For hypertrophy days I never go to failure, always stop about 2 reps before failure)
Leg Press or Hack Squat 5x8-12 super setted with
Standing Calf Raise 5x10-15
Leg Extensions 5x10-15 super setted with
Sitting Leg Curls 5x10-15 super setted with
Sitting Calf Raise 4x8-12
Sunday: Off
[quote]Spidey22 wrote:
Something like Layne Norton’s original PHAT routine could work for you, changing some of the lifts and maybe toning down the volume if you fill it necessary. At the very least it’s a starting point for ya.[/quote]
Thanks, but i think that PHAT is a big mess and not thought through at all, or well, not the split, the program (reps, sets etc) is fine if one can tolerate such a volume.
I mean, hitting shoulders/back the day after chest presses and direct bicep work just ain’t smart, there’s no way that the anterior delts and biceps have recovered in less than 24h with such a volume unless one is one the juice.
[quote]Rawsteel wrote:
[quote]Spidey22 wrote:
Something like Layne Norton’s original PHAT routine could work for you, changing some of the lifts and maybe toning down the volume if you fill it necessary. At the very least it’s a starting point for ya.[/quote]
Thanks, but i think that PHAT is a big mess and not thought through at all, or well, not the split, the program (reps, sets etc) is fine if one can tolerate such a volume.
I mean, hitting shoulders/back the day after chest presses and direct bicep work just ain’t smart, there’s no way that the anterior delts and biceps have recovered in less than 24h with such a volume unless one is one the juice.
You could just put Legs in between there, or adjust the split to upper/lower/off/push/pull/legs/off. I just like the 5 day split of this. I’ve also done:
Upper Heavy (so Bench/OHP)
Back + Hamstrings (so DL’s here)
Light Push
Legs (Squats)
Light Back
And liked that a lot
[quote]Spidey22 wrote:
[quote]Rawsteel wrote:
[quote]Spidey22 wrote:
Something like Layne Norton’s original PHAT routine could work for you, changing some of the lifts and maybe toning down the volume if you fill it necessary. At the very least it’s a starting point for ya.[/quote]
Thanks, but i think that PHAT is a big mess and not thought through at all, or well, not the split, the program (reps, sets etc) is fine if one can tolerate such a volume.
I mean, hitting shoulders/back the day after chest presses and direct bicep work just ain’t smart, there’s no way that the anterior delts and biceps have recovered in less than 24h with such a volume unless one is one the juice.
You could just put Legs in between there, or adjust the split to upper/lower/off/push/pull/legs/off. I just like the 5 day split of this. I’ve also done:
Upper Heavy (so Bench/OHP)
Back + Hamstrings (so DL’s here)
Light Push
Legs (Squats)
Light Back
And liked that a lot
Yea, that’s kinda how i run it now but i have 1 more days rest because i need it, especially now when i just got back after 4 weeks out of the gym.
Prior to the break i ran a PPL 5 days a week (3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off, repeat) with a similar volume used in PHAT and it literally ruined me.
Pain in elbows, shoulders, knees, a triceps rupture + a herniated disc (old injury that came back), guess i’m getting old lol >_<