How do you train to have a thicker neck, but on the back, on the nape region?
Sounds like you want traps. Heavy rack pulls are my favorite followed by shrugs with a hold at the top.
Agreed. I also always like lateral raises when done properly, which most people don’t. If you do them with proper form you can really get a lot of trap out of them at the top range of the motion.
OP, I’ve had decent traps my whole life with little effort. Everybody has their own grow parts. Are you having concerns seeing them from front or back shots? Here are mine as I sit here, unpumped, at 6am drinking my coffee. Is this what you’re looking for?
For me it when I started doing carries and cleans
My traps were always the biggest when I was deadlifting with a purpose, like training for a meet. But since I haven’t competed in years and don’t recover as quickly as I used to I’ve added other supplemental stuff in.
Cleans. Usually hang cleans for reps (5-12) light em up good.
Plate raises either with a 45 or as a burnout with a 25 for super high reps 50+.
Farmer walks.
Shrugs never did anything for me.