[quote]Murph14 wrote:
[quote]JuicyLucy wrote:
[quote]Murph14 wrote:
How long do you have to prepare for the test? If you have a long time, my suggestion is just to run, lots. Learn good running technique as well. Other energy systems work is going to help a lot too (Burpees, box jumps, etc.).
Practicing running the test will be an asset. I have trained many athletes and military for success in the test, and efficient use of energy during the test is essential. Practice your turning, breathing, strides. Getting familiar with each stage will help this. Download the test audio, bring it to a gymnasium, and practice. Best of luck!
What distance would you compare it to? Running 400m? 1000m? Running a lot… Do you mean short more intense workouts or longer 5-10km distances? or both?
What weights did you do with the athletes you’d prepered?
What is your current stats with regards to strength? Many athletes who excel at the beep test already have a solid foundation of muscle. Many of those I trained certainly did (though some didn’t). High reps squats is key, jump squats, walking lunges (sometimes hundreds) all will help. As it’s been said, increase your lactic threshold. Incline treadmill running is a great way, do intervals to start and try to lengthen the intervals and limit rest. Sprinting will also help, all distances; 10 x 200m sprints one day, 5 x 400m another, 2-3 x 800m another day for example. Some days just do steady running for 5k.
I’m not sure what level you’re shooting for but level 12 (which might be a good goal) is 2400m, so 1.5 miles you should hope you can do with a solid pace.
I want to get to level 15 in 3 months ( by February 2011 ).
How does this look?
Mon am 5k steady speed + pm lower body training
Tue am 2x800m
Wed OFF + am upper body training
Thr am 5x400m + pm lower body training
Fri 8x200m
Sat pm Beep test as far as I can go repeated 2times
Sun OFF + am upper body training
Lower body training :
Lunges ( forward and back )
3-6 sets of 10-15 reps
Finisher body weight:
squats, jump squats, lunges, burpees
Upper body training :
Shoulders, Arms
Back and chest
3 sets of 10-12 reps
Finisher body weight:
push ups, dips, pull ups