How to Spot the Squat

This may belong in the beginner’s section, but I’ve seen pictures of a person standing behind the squatter. How exactly is the spot performed if the squatter can’t get the weight up?

Also, any tips on how to go heavy with squats without a spotter? I’ve dropped the bar off to the back and front a couple times and I think I’m freaking everyone out at my gym.

Yes you spot form behind once/if needed the spotters arms would go under and up so the forearms went up the chest this would raise the spine etc into a neutral postion help support the person safely.

Now really under heavy loads multiple spotters for the bar is the best way to go to just get the whole damn load of the person.

In the stead of a single spotter I prefer a dump myself onto the pins. this from years working out alone LOL lets say Ive dumped a few been a while but I know how and feel safer doing that then the behind the back version just comfort now. have the pins set below where you squat but in a position that its dumpabale. Inm a perfetc world we’d all have a team to sopt every attempt or hell never dump.

best of luck hope this helped,

[quote]troumagnet wrote:
This may belong in the beginner’s section, but I’ve seen pictures of a person standing behind the squatter. How exactly is the spot performed if the squatter can’t get the weight up?

Also, any tips on how to go heavy with squats without a spotter? I’ve dropped the bar off to the back and front a couple times and I think I’m freaking everyone out at my gym. [/quote]

Use the trap bar. You’ll also strengthen your grip, which is great for any sport, fighting, and so forth.


thanks for advice, guys

I agree, use a squat rack so tou can dump it if you have to.
works for me

If I miss I don’t drop it, I ride it down to the pins. Just set them a little under the lowest that you will be going.

[quote]tveddy wrote:
If I miss I don’t drop it, I ride it down to the pins. Just set them a little under the lowest that you will be going.[/quote]

Me too. No need to drop the weight unless you’re feeling something get hurt. Although if you miss a squat at the top I can see why you wouldn’t want to take the weight all the way back down to the pins.

If you don’t have access to a squat/powerrack, which everyone is assuming you do, then the best way to spot someone is; from behind the lifter, as they descend keep your arms out parrallel to the floor with your elbows somewhere below the lifters are pits, if you’re needed then get your hands on his chest and basically pull his torso upright and that should get them up. If that doesn’t work then get the hell outta the way cos a dumped bar will be coming in your direction!