[quote]Professor X wrote:
chilco wrote:
Professor X wrote:
chilco wrote:
Professor X wrote:
chilco wrote:
Professor X wrote:
AngryVader wrote:
How strong are your biceps? What is your height/weight? What is your current arm size?
THE most important question and post in this thread.
225 lbs. 5’8" 17.5 inches no peak so to speak of, get worse when dieting, unless i get super skinny.
Biceps never were very strong when compared to a 405 bench, 600 lb squat, and very strong deadlift.
Maybe could do 105 lb. st. bb curls super strict for sets of 6-8 (just not very strong here.)
very strong triceps.
How old are you and how much of that 225lbs is muscle?
Currently about 15 lbs. overweight. I mean I’ve gone down to 180 lbs. and looked pretty good overall, and yes the biceps actually looked bigger, but still small compared to the rest. Triceps overshadow biceps.
The point is, your 225lbs isn’t the same as someone who is leaner. I would expect someone weighing that much at even 18% body fat to have bigger arms than that. If your body fat is much higher, it means your lean body mass isn’t enough to warrant really large biceps. That would mean you need to gain more muscle all over and drop some of that body fat.
Point well taken, but still even at a heavier body weight isn’t it possible to add some mass to the biceps??? I feel like a see saw when dieting and perform much better at this weight. Have NEVER been a super lean dude. Dieting is tortorous for me and I have a hard time holding the mass at a leaner weight. I’ve seen really fat guys who’ve got 21 inch guns that look good.
Well, they aren’t you. You will have to gain more lean body mass to make that change assuming your lifts for biceps are increasing as well. Gaining more when you are already carrying too much body fat sounds like a great idea, huh?
Post pictures if you want someone to actually give advice based on what you actually look like.[/quote]
Nah. I’m terrified to show my body even when I’m showing abs. It’s a curse. I actually bailed on a bb show cause I thought I wasn’t lean enough, but when i went to the show as a spectator I think I would’ve won my class and at this point in life I just like to kick around some ideas for bigger bi’s. The hardcore stuff is for the younger guys. Still??? There’s a little bit of me that wants to go back at it full tilt.
I take what I can get and let the hostility run off my back.