All right, I just ordered the mag-10 caps, I’ve heard they’re much better than the liquid, tribex, methoxy, zma, and 4-AD-EC. My last mag-10 cycle with the liquid and massive eating was pretty disappointing. I’m hoping for better results with the caps.
OK, so my questoin is how should I set up this stack? should I go to weeks of 4-ad, then mag, then tribex and methoxy and zma; use the 4-ad as a post cycle; the possibilities go on… Any thoughts?
nothing guys? Here’s more info if that’s what you’re waiting on… I’m 170 lbs, 12%, 5-9, about to start a bulking cycle.
I know sometimes when people use steroids, they start out with a milder steroid, and the next time they go on a cycle, they need a stronger steroid and a higher dosage to get the desired effect. This is why I thought about doing 4-ad first and then using mag-10 a few weeks after that cycle. Anyone agree? disagree? other ideas?
Actually when using real gear its a better idea to start with a decent size stack,b/c its going to be your best so you might as well really go for it!Just figured i`d throw that in
no disrespect meant to you (internet forums are very sterile), but perhaps you should know what your goals are and do some research before you buy a supplement. You say that you used Mag-10 with disappointing results. Did you map out exactly what you did last time (food log, training log, honesty) and did you review it? Maybe you need to up the calories, up the workout intensity, or be more consistent. Maybe mag-10 is crap. I don’t know, I’ve never used it so I can’t vouch for it either way, but people seem to be getting results. Maybe you don’t know enough about training to be properly using it. Just make sure you have everything in your favor before using it so that you can maximize the gains.
No disrespect taken, maybe I should have said more to begin with. I have been training for 6 years and slowly but constantly making progress. whenever I am gaining or cutting, my diet is mapped out to the T. I have researched many prohormones/ prosteroids/ steroids/ ergogenic supplements from medical journals down to the biochemistry. I have been on a gaining training regimen for a couple weeks now, supplement free. I’ve just decided to jump back on the horse and eat more carbs this time.
The real question I’m after is whether I should use 4-ad-ec pre or post mag-10 cycle.