How’s my first cycle?

You look amazing dude


Since my experience is mostly in competitive bodybuilding and some powerlifting, chances are OP is not at all interested in any input from me.

As to aesthetic physique, before I got competitive, I was told by a judge after a contest that I had a very aesthetic physique, but nothing stood out as impressive. I eventually acquired some weird muscles.

Thanks man. Apparently i’m old and gross.




I don’t think so. I just don’t.

You didn’t vote for Biden did you?


I would expect you to be up 20lbs at the end of twelve weeks with a calorie surplus and training.

After holding that new weight for a period of time (4-6 weeks), cut the fluff.

At the end of the cut, you are still up 13lbs.

Now you are 190lbs same 15%. Total time frame 20 weeks

Apparently this guy is 28 years old.

More like 8 years old.

Let’s assume this accurate. That is 150.5lbs of lean weight.

Now let’s assume this is possible. That is the retention of 161.5lbs of lean weight, “after fluff removal.”

That equates to 11lbs of retainable lean weight gain after a single 12 week cycle of a fairly mild run of testosterone only.

That is, OP will gain just short of a pound of (retainable) muscle every week of the cycle.

OP has been doing some lift his “whole life.” Of those years, he trained “properly” (OP’s words) for 2.5 years.

If this is true, the beginner gains are in the past.

IMO, the absolutely, only way this is possible is that OP is blessed with the androgen receptor sites of a top pro bodybuilder.

I do believe that 11lbs of lean weight is possible in a year’s time for an intermediate weight trainer, but it would require more like 3 cycles of at least 600mg/wk of stacked AAS.


This means a lot coming from someone with experience like you. I was disappointed with my first cycle of 325 mg/wk Test E for 12 weeks, I thought I should expect 15-20 lbs of muscle, while losing a bit of fat haha. That’s what I read would happen on the internet.

Real world examples of guys I know has given me a different perspective. Some of those guys even had good genetics (one had deadlifted 733 lbs as a junior (he was 21 at the time) 198 lb lifter). In real life the results from multiple men I’ve witnessed don’t get close to what I believe an average person would expect after doing their research on the internet. Some do get great results, but it isn’t after a single Test cycle. It is from blasting and cruising for much longer time frames than a typical cycle. Most are on blast more than cruise, and the cruises would be considered beginner cycles. Of the guys I know who have done one a few spread out Test cycles, I don’t think they look much more developed than if they had just stayed natural.

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“Possible”, though not what should be expected.

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I did not use this word one time in my post. This was on purpose.

You are right I did use 15%.

I should not have done that because it means something.

I used it because this number assigns a look to a height and weight.

If I say to you 10% at 200 or 20% at 200 you instantly get a visual.

I’ll rephrase.

I would expect you to be up 20lbs at the end of twelve weeks with a calorie surplus and training.

After holding that new weight for a period of time (4-6 weeks), cut the fluff.

At the end of the cut, you are still up 13lbs.

Now you are 190lbs but look as lean as you did in the surfboard pic you posted and your chest, arms, and traps appear larger. Total time frame 20 weeks

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The problem with this “possibility” is that is an excellent sales pitch for AAS.

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After rereading this thread… im not sure what @s.gentz did to warrant the animosity in the first place.


I got attacked as well. Just didn’t respond to it. Why should I care what a delusional person thinks?


presuming he is 177 in this picture


are you saying he can’t weigh 190lbs in 20 weeks with a similar body composition and his vanity muscles appear fuller and bigger?

I don’t think you need drugs to do that. that’s going to be the icing on the cake.

Oh i see that you did now.

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The problem with this entire thread is the OP asked the question “ how much should I expect to gain”
None of us can tell him that or even guess without an insight into his training or diet. When he was asked questions so they he could be better helped he couldn’t take the time to answer them just stated “assume diet and training are good” (paraphrased so hope he doesn’t get upset)
He then didn’t like the answers he was given so he again got defensive.
It would now seem to me the only thing he is looking for is a pat on the back and for us to tell him he is awesome and that he is gonna get huge.

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This thread like @jskrabac mentioned… has the same vibe as another thread.

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This was a good catch. Shoe pic needs to happen.

Titty baby was black.


I focus on the wrong things like 99% of the time.

But not this time!


@s.gentz @mnben87

please tell me…

weight at start of 1st cycle
weight at end of 1st cycle
total mg load of 1st cycle
how many weeks was the cycle
rough average calories per day during cycle, was this a surplus for you
weight at end of cut you went on at end of first cycle if applicable
