[quote]austin_bicep wrote:
[quote]Blackaggar wrote:
[quote]roguevampire wrote:
[quote]David1991 wrote:
[quote]SteelyD wrote:
[quote]David1991 wrote:
Others do a pre-set routines (5/3/1, BBB, DC, etc.) for one or two runs through then change it while others will stick to the same thing for a long time only changing something when a lift stalls for awhile and even then they change only that exercise (I think SteelyD does this).
Yes. I have my core lifts that will probably stay forever: bb bench/incl, db press/incl, db shoulder presses, fr. squats, db rows, leg press, dips, pr. curls
Everything else is isolation or machine. I don’t have to worry about ‘thinking’ about changes because I visit so many different gyms during the year (work travel) that really whats available dictates my lifts for the week. I think it’s been beneficial.
Sound’s like a lot of change, but it’s really not-- just variations on a theme, so hitting the same bodyparts slightly differently.
I don’t think my ‘core’ lifting scheme has changed much in 4 years.[/quote]
While changing these things have you been on the same split? I guess you stick with one main movement for awhile, switch it out after it stalls for a few weeks, then when the new one stalls you switch back, etc.?
I’m doing well working with someone now so I won’t be changing anything besides what he tells me for the time being but in the future I think I may do a bit more “instinctual” training with the first half being my core lifts and second half being more “bodybuilding” stuff (for lack of a better term) like squeezing every rep, slow eccentrics, super sets, etc… although its been my experience 90% of growth just comes from getting stronger on the main lifts.
[quote]roguevampire wrote:
I have certain basic exercises I do and like for each bodypart. and I rotate them each workout. Since I work each bodypart 2x per week, i have to use more variety. Take chest, I love using the power rack when doing inclines. I don’t really do regular benches anymore. 1 chest workout, i will do some heavy inclines in the power rack. then followed up with machine bench presses. next workout, i might start with dips, then do some hammer strength inclines.
What seems to be constant with me is: my body doesn’t seem to tolerate alot of volume. I recently tried mixing it up by doing more volume, but cutting back on the intensity a bit. all that did was make me feel flat with no pump and feeling like shit. [/quote]
How long do you keep the same split/workout?
once you reach a certain strength level, its tough combining certain muscle groups together. I could never combine chest and back. by the time im done with chest, even though my volume is low, I use a decent amount of weight and come close to failure during the set. So, I wouldn’t have the necessary energy levels to properly do my back. So i normally always do tris after chest. its easier on my elbows and joints this way. combining a large muscle with a smaller muscle seems to work well. ie… chest-tris, back-bis. I’m always changing the order of the exercises as well. [/quote]
I definitely agree with this, when I started I could do chest and back no problem but now both muscle groups take so much out of me it would be extremely counter productive for myself to do this still. As for myself I keep the main lifts the same for the most part but I do change the rep and set ranges often. I used to change things every week and this turned out to be a good thing because Ive now found the exercises that work the absolute best for me which is an extremely valuable thing training wise.[/quote]
What about a guy like Arnold who could bench press over 500lbs, deadlift 7xx and would train chest, back, arms and shoulders all in the same day? I train chest and back together and love it.[/quote]
Not sure where you got he could bench press 500lbs, but thats alot more than he ever benched. Plus, he did alot of volume, true, but he didn’t go all that heavy. he did have those days where he did power days, but for the most part, he just did alot of reps and alot of sets, but not going to failure.