Just working through the deload week on the Beyond 1.1 template. Looking ahead to Beyond 1.2, the chins change from 50 total reps to 5 sets of 5 reps. This might be majoring in the minors, but I thought I’d ask for suggestions.
Here are my questions:
Are the chins in 1.2 supposed to weighted chins? In 1.3, it goes back to 50 total reps and, in 1.4, they’re specifically labelled as weighted chins.
I’m weak on pullups and have been doing 10 sets of 5, so it doesn’t make sense for me to add weight. Would you guys recommend that I cut back to 5 sets of 5 reps? Or maybe aim for 25 total reps of paused chins like in this article?
says chin-ups/pullups 5X5 so do that maybe? I don’t understand your question. Since you mention its specified elsewhere when to do weighted, obviously this 5X5 is without weight since not specified.
You can do 10 sets of 5 so your good doing 5X5, you take it easy on the pullups for this part I guess.
Thanks for the thoughts, Pereque. I wasn’t sure why the pullups would decrease in both intensity and volume in 1.2. It looked to me that 1.1 and 1.3 targeted volume (50 reps total) and that 1.2 and 1.4 targeted intensity (5x5), which made me wonder whether the lack of “weighted” pullups in 1.2 was a typo or an oversight.
Like I said, I’m probably worrying too much about assistance work. But if someone has done the program and can share what they did, I’d appreciate the input.