Ive been off trt for about 3 to 4 weeks now and feel absolutely horrible. Doc told me to do blood work on 8th week but i just had to do it now cuz i felt so bad. Brain fog, moody depression low energy loss of size strength…etc etc its real bad. Way worse than before i started trt. Anyways my labs came back and i will list tt fr and some others. Im from canada so our ranges are different.
Total t: range 7.6 to 31.4 nmol/l result: 5.2
Free t: range 196 to 636 pmol/l result: 118
Estradial: range <159 result 74
LH: Range 1.3 to 9.6 iu/l result: <0.5
FSH: range 1 to 16 iu/l result:<1
So my question is: when will fsh and lh reactivate for my body to start making test naturally on its own again??? I wasnt this bad (tt and ft) before starting trt. I was borderline just under ranges but now im much lower.
Im going thru all this ( sudden cold turkey stoppage of trt) because my hemocrit was like 2 points too high and doc thought i would get a stroke. Hemocrit rbc are now all normal btw. But 1 more point and they will go outside ranges as they are still high. I.e range 22 to 50 and i got 50 as opposed to 52 before.
In thinking of callin docs office to ask them if i can start again but im worried he will see my hemocrit only went down a lil and either will say no as starting up again will make it go elevated once more or he may say to wait another month for the hemocrit to go lower. But i cant cuz i feek so horrible. I dont know what to do at this point…i feel so stuck and upset right now