T. 1112 Range 250-875
FT. 377. Range 50-150
LH- 0 Range 0.3-112.9
Fsh- 0.26. Range 1.4-18.1
SHBG. 25.6. Range 16.5-55.5
E2. 48.8 Range 1-365
He wants my E2 at around 25
Trt was 100mg every 5 days
Going to 75mg every 5 days after skipping one shot day. 7 days of HCG
Dr put me on HCG, E2 blocker and dim?
Obviously I need to my LH and FSH? Suspended Trt for a week. Just HCG ever day for 7 days?
I have more labs #s if needed
LH is 0!
Fsh is low as well
E2 is to high in ratio to testosterone.
No feel like shit
Will E2 at 25 and HCG help
Your LH is obviously 0 as you’re on TRT.
Do a little research about what you’re putting in your body. And why on earth your DR would make you test that knowing it would be 0 is bizarre.
Your e2 is a bit high and the estrogen meds may help. Did you get shbg tested?
Shbg 25. Wait so my LH will always be zero on trt? I was under the assumption u need some LH AND Fsh even on trt
TRT suppresses the HPTA, LH is zero while on TRT. So stop testing it. FSH is also somewhat suppressed on TRT, to a lesser extent for some lucky few.
Some what do u think about my numbers sir? E2 high? I know my t and ft is high. I can’t stand those dr that like like they know what there talking about. Dr told me HCG will help my LH and fsh
I wouldn’t take HCG as it will likely increase that e2.
I would try the DIM though. Your issue is likely the e2 as your numbers look good. Your FT is rather high, so you could just reduce dose and see if e2 goes down.
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Going from 100mg to 75mg will lower e2 for you. Just try that. Leave out the HCG.
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E2 blocker he gave me anastrozole
Nope, HCG mimics LH. LH can increase natural testosterone, but it won’t increase LH. The LH analog HCG doesn’t increase FSH, it just keeps the testicles functioning somewhat. You want to increase FSH, inject FSH.
HCG suppresses half the testicles which is why it doesn’t always work in place of TRT.
I’m afraid you’ve been quacked.
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Ok was only couple hundred. So after looking at my numbers what’s ur thinking. I have low energy and feel like shit. I know to lower my t protocol but do u agree not to take the HCG SEEMS some like it with trt and others don’t. What do u think about my E2 #? Thank s
Your E2 looks low, you can thank anastrozole.
Ok was only couple hundred. So after looking at my numbers what’s ur thinking. I have low energy and feel like shit. I know to lower my t protocol but do u agree not to take the HCG SEEMS some like it with trt and others don’t. What do u think about my E2 #? Thank s
No that’s without an blocker. This dr said my E2 is a bit high for optimal levels
If you look at the ranges, your E2 is on the lower end, normal ranges for E2 is 8-35 pg/mL. You don’t list the units, I’m assuming it’s pmol/L.
Ststemlord what do u feel could be holding me back?
Strange range for E2, never seen it go that high. That E2 would be high for me, it would make me fatigued, sleepy, irritable and low libido and no erections.
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Great so I No the problem