Open question: How long can you hold a squat position (90 degree stance). I’m playing around just did 2 minutes of a sumo squat hold. I’m sure I can go for longer… Just curious!
I don’t know. I try to only do shit that actually matters to power lifting and is going to help me in some way get a bigger squat.
Nobody trains a bodyweight squat hold because it doesn’t do anything for maximal strength, unless a person starts off incredibly weak. A person that trains it will likely do better than most people on this forum.
If someone paid me to do it then I would guess a couple minutes.
I’ve done 5 minutes as part of some stupid PT session when I was involved with cheerleading, completely utter stupid if you ask me, I don’t see what it trains. Most guys there probably held out for a minute to two. Granted, none of them actually squatted. If you ask me, its more willpower than anything else. Doing pause squats might have some carryover to your bodyweight hold squat, try that out if that’s one of yer goals.
It’s only relevant if you don’t have a toilet.
At first when I read this I thought the OP meant bodyweight as in bodyweight loaded on a bar. And I felt like 2 minutes wasn’t bad at all.
If we’re talking unloaded, I’ve done a half hour. It was a challenge Ido Portal posted, except his thing was to do it for 30 days in a row. I only did it once. It’s not easy. Gotta find that mental happy place.
i think i remember kelly starret talking about how 10 minute deep squat hold does wonders to your mobility
[quote]dodo888 wrote:
i think i remember kelly starret talking about how 10 minute deep squat hold does wonders to your mobility[/quote]
Completely different thing though. you’re resting at the very bottom.
[quote]nighthawkz wrote:
[quote]dodo888 wrote:
i think i remember kelly starret talking about how 10 minute deep squat hold does wonders to your mobility[/quote]
Completely different thing though. you’re resting at the very bottom.[/quote]
No doubt. When I read flipcollar’s post claiming 30 minutes I was like, damn. Then I realized that he was talking about a full depth squat and I was like, ok.
A squat hold at parallel or just below and a full depth squat hold are not the same animal at all.
[quote]batman730 wrote:
[quote]nighthawkz wrote:
[quote]dodo888 wrote:
i think i remember kelly starret talking about how 10 minute deep squat hold does wonders to your mobility[/quote]
Completely different thing though. you’re resting at the very bottom.[/quote]
No doubt. When I read flipcollar’s post claiming 30 minutes I was like, damn. Then I realized that he was talking about a full depth squat and I was like, ok.
A squat hold at parallel or just below and a full depth squat hold are not the same animal at all.[/quote]
Depends on your flexibility/mobility. I was actually talking about being just below parallel. I don’t have the ability to squat much deeper than parallel, so I can hold a squat just below parallel for a long time. My ‘competition depth squat’ is essentially the deepest I can go, and I only barely break parallel. Just above parallel would be more difficult for me.
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
[quote]batman730 wrote:
[quote]nighthawkz wrote:
[quote]dodo888 wrote:
i think i remember kelly starret talking about how 10 minute deep squat hold does wonders to your mobility[/quote]
Completely different thing though. you’re resting at the very bottom.[/quote]
No doubt. When I read flipcollar’s post claiming 30 minutes I was like, damn. Then I realized that he was talking about a full depth squat and I was like, ok.
A squat hold at parallel or just below and a full depth squat hold are not the same animal at all.[/quote]
Depends on your flexibility/mobility. I was actually talking about being just below parallel. I don’t have the ability to squat much deeper than parallel, so I can hold a squat just below parallel for a long time. My ‘competition depth squat’ is essentially the deepest I can go, and I only barely break parallel. Just above parallel would be more difficult for me.[/quote]
Hmm… You know, I never even considered that. I know that a lot of people can’t manage a flat foot, full depth squat, mobility-wise, but I always kind of forget that fact. I’ve always been able to squat ATG without ever having made any special effort to develop the ability, so I take it for granted.
FTR, I googled the Ido Portal 30/30 squat challenge. You actually don’t need to do the full 30 minutes at a stretch, you just need to accumulate it throughout each day, every day. I honestly think Kelly Starrett’s recommendation of accumulating 10 minutes a day is a more reasonable jumping off point for most people.
Do most people struggle with ankle or hip mobility in a deep bodyweight squat? My hips are fine but calves are so tight that I can hardly get below parallel without weight on my back…
[quote]NewZealander wrote:
Do most people struggle with ankle or hip mobility in a deep bodyweight squat? My hips are fine but calves are so tight that I can hardly get below parallel without weight on my back…[/quote]
You should probably start a new thread for this question.