How is My Split?

Day 1: Chest/Shoulders
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Arms/Abs (supersetted)
Day 5: Rest

Day 1: Chest/Shoulders
Flat Bench 4x5
Incline DB press 3x8
Slight Incline Bench 3x8
Military Press 4x8
Lateral Raise 1x10
Seated DB Press 3x8

Day 2: Back

Deadlift 3x5
Bent-over barbell row 4x8
Single Arm DB Row 3x8
Chin ups 2xfailure

Day 3: Legs

Squat 4x15
Calf Raises 3x20
SLDL 3x10
Ham Curls 3x10

Day 4: Arms, Abs

Superset 1
Barbell Curl
Standing tricep ext.

Superset 2
Dumbell Curls
Skull Crushers

Concentration curls 2x8
Unweighted dips till failure 2xfailure

Day 5: Rest

I personally wouldn’t do back (deadlift) and then legs (squat) back-to-back. You could mix it up any way you’d like. What’s your schedule? Any reason to have day 5 off?

What about

Definitely agree with Gabex there, if you’re going very hard on deadlifts it’d be tough to do squats the next day… Other than that only thing I’d mention is that on chest day, flat bench, incline dumbell and slight incline bench are all pretty similar, maybe do wide grip dips instead of the slight incline bench at the end.

Oh, also I’d probably suggest doing something like reverse flys or face pulls instead of the seated DB press, you have a lot of stuff there that works out anterior delt, nothing that really works out posterior, except that it’d get hit a bit on back day.

I would set it up like:
flat wide grip bench press
dips/incline db
iso of choice

leg press
glute hams

close grip board press
tri extentions

4OFF day

db rows

6+7 off

but that’s just me.

actually maybe switch arms and chest/shoulders around, but what the hell do I know. I’ve always been in the clean/deadlift/chinup camp as far as back building goes. Closing statement would be cut down some of the excersizes on chest/shoulder day.

i agree, why 15 reps on squats too thats alot unless ur trying to get ripped and not as strong other wise switch it to less reps, for compound movements like deads, cleans, bench, squat stick with sets of 3 pyramiding up, that builds alot of dense mass for me at least, use iso movements for more reps and volume do work.

For the next two months I only have Squat rack, weights, dumbells, barbells and a bench to work with. So preachers etc are not possible, but I will seperate Back and Legs so I can hit each compound movement 100%. Thanks

on arm day, when not just superset curls, tricepts and skulls and be done and avoid a 2nd go around of curls?

I do chest/tris, back/bis, legs/shoulders. Days off are usually some form of cardio and abs. Those seem like alot of reps per excercises. I do 3 per group with starting off with a compound lift i.e. chest = bench, back = deads, legs = squats.