I’m eating about 2000kcals a day with plenty of the usual goodies.
I’m about 5’10 and 204#s right now and my best guess would be 14% body fat. Lets just say i can see my top two abs, but can still grab a nice chunk of fat near the belly button.
I work out three days a week(TBT variety) but am active everyday either walking or biking to school.
How fast can should I be losing fat? When will I know if I’m not doing something right? Is roughly 2000kcals too much? not enough?
Basically i eat:
1 cup strawberries
1 cup blueberries
1 banana
2 boiled eggs
half cup of nuts
8oz of chicken, turkey, fish or lean pork
1.5 cup mixed veggies
1 cup yam
cup or FF yogurt of FF cottage cheese
Anyway, since you’re clearly not overweight, fat loss will come at a slower rate than it would for chub duds. I’d personally say anywhere from .5 - 2 pounds per week is good (towards the lower end the leaner you are). If you stall for a week or two, I’d bump up activity some before lowering calories more. Just be sure it’s FAT you’re losing, and not muscle mass. As long as that stays the same, you’re good. It sucks measuring, but that’s the way to go IMO if you’re really conscience about not losing muscle in the process.
Are you doing any cardio? I added in 2 HIIT sessions a week + 2 other sessions (Tabata front squats, 30mins walking uphill, barbell complexes, jumping rope, etc).
Then I started losing more fat. I may add in a little morning cardio soon, but the ice on the roads makes it a little dangerous.
FWIW, I’m the leanest I’ve ever been, and it wasn’t until I really upped the cardio, even on off days.
~1 lb per week. 4 months of anabolic diet worked for me. 6’ 200lbs down to 180lbs. ~10%bf. ~2500 cals per day. switched to T Dawg simply because I love cereal too much too often.