Can you Critique my Fat Loss Protocal

Dear T-Beasts and T-Hotties, I was wondering if you all could critique my diet/supplement/Workout program which I have followed for the past 2 weeks:
Goal: Fat Loss
Stats: 5’5", Starting weight was 220lbs (3Aug01) at 18.2%fat, Ending weight was 213lbs (17Aug01) at 15.5%fat.
Diet: 200 cals (40c/30p/30fat–mostly flaxoil) every 2 hours from 6am to 4pm for a total of 1200cals on Tues, Thurs, Sat. M,W,F are same except add surge (9pm) for 1550cals. On sunday, around 3000 cals of whatever.
Supplements: 4 Tribex each at 6am and 6pm, 500mg GNC Vitex at 6am, 2MD6 each at 6am-12pm-4:30pm, 1 T2 at 6am-12pm-6pm, 1 scoop Power Drive at 6pm and lastly ZMA at 10pm (bedtime). Oh, I started new methoxy at label dosage on Thurs (16Aug01).
Workout: On MWF, at 730pm German Body Comp with only 30s (to stare at the hotties whilst gasping for breath) between supersets. On T,R,Sat 35mins of Cardio (~68% MHR) at 730pm.
Achieved? Yes!
Optimally? That’s for you T-Scholars to decide. I respect this forum a great deal and am eager for any constructive criticism.

It seems to me your caloric intake is not nearly enough for someone of your size. If you were doing the fat fast diet you might be somewhere in the ball-park but you’re taking in carbs as well. I’d re-evaluate the diet and try to lose weight gradually…wait until you get down around 8-10% bf before cutting calories so drastically and even then you probably won’t need to.

“wait until you get down around 8-10% bf before cutting calories so drastically and even then you probably won’t need to”…i was wonder why you suggested he should be leaner before drastically cutting calories…after reading JMB’s appetite for construction a few weeks ago, I was under the impress that if you were to drastically cut calories (which I am not suggesting) won’t it be better to do it at a higher body % since there would be a better ratio of fat loss to muscle loss…of course I am assuming that by saying drastically you mean very below maintenance level (ie Fast fat)

Irontank… I think(not sure tho) Kelly reccomends waiting to cut calories because at that stage he would be ready to peak…if cutting drastically earlier he would risk slowing his metabolism too much…thats my 2 cents…Mike

Yeah Mikes got it right. If you cut calories too low too soon you’ll lose weight really fast for no longer then 2 or 3 weeks then your metabolism will adapt to that intake. I think a lot of people when dieting would be able to get a lot leaner if they didn’t cut so many calories at the beginning of their diets

Irontank, I got the same thing from that article as you did. From personal experience of bulking and cutting cycles throughout the years, I’d have to say it’s right on the money. Make the most drastic cut in calories (although let’s not go silly here) while at your highest BF% and then as you become leaner, reduce the deficit to something less likely to demand energy from the breakdown of LBW. This reduction can be either through slight reduction of cardio (energy expended) or through an increase in calories consumed.

Having said that, the calorie levels consumed here look too damned low for any kind of diet bar the fat fast plan.