Week one:
Day 1:
Normal bench
Tricep Pulldowns
Behind neck shoulder presses
Close grip bench
Day 2:
Single leg partial squats
Single leg squats with back foot on bench
Ski squats
Calif Raises
Day 3:
Day 4:
Forearm extensions with bar and Forearm flexions with bar
Concentration dumbbell curls
Low pulley biceps curls
Bicep Curls
Day 5:
Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise
Cuban Rotation
Cardio/Heavy Sprints and pylo’s
Weighted Crunches
Full-Contact Twists
Wheel Bar (Dumbell with 25’s)
Day 6:
Cardio/Heavy Sprints and pylo’s
Weighted Crunches
Russian Twists
Wheel Bar (Dumbell with 25’s)
Day 7: Rest
Week 2:
Day 1:
Incline Bench
Incline Flyes
French press
incline close grip bench
The rest the same…for week 2.
How does this look? If it doesn’t look good, could you help me come up with a better routine?
I’m a sprinter, but right now i’m really just trying to gain muscle mass.
You’re a sprinter but I only see 2 days where you’re doing sprints and even then you’re doing them after your weight training and cardio? Your routine looks good for muscle mass but I’d spread the sprinting sessions up through the week and do them before you do weight training or at least a separate part of the day. By sprinting heavy 2 consecutive days in a row along with weight training on those days you’ll really be taxing your nervous system.
Well, I’d do alot more heavy weight required movements such as squats, dead lifts, heavy full-range calf raises, etc. Emphasis on a fast concentric movement. You’re doing alot of stuff thast requires 50 lbs or less. But then again, I’m not Charlie Francis or even John Smith!
WHAT??? you said you “want” to gain muscle did you not? forearm extentions? Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise Cuban Rotation ?Incline Bench Incline Flyes ?Concentration dumbbell curls Low pulley biceps curls ? etc… dude lift heavey, basic, and get alot of rest if you want to gain muscle! keep your sets low, never workout 2 days in a row, if you are lean and trying to gain muscle you must take in more cals. then you are. this shit IS NOT complicated. peace