Bench 5s Pro
Bench 5x5 SSL
Assistance 50-100 Push/Pull/Leg
Deadlift 5s Pro
Deadlift 5x5 FSL
Assistance 50-100 Push/Pull/Leg
OHP 5s Pro
OHP 10x5 FSL
Assistance 50-100 Push/Pull/Leg
1 Cycle of:
5/3/1 PR Sets with 5x5 FSL and Jokers.
Obviously I will follow the 7th week Deloads and TM test. Once finished I will evaluate and repeat. I’m really struggling with the above routine and BBB FSL, I feel like BBB FSL is not something you can run long term but more of something you run 2 cycles in a 1 year span.
Why made you choose the Widowmakers for Squats, SSL for Bench, and 10x5 for OHP for the supplemental? Do you feel you get more out of them than 5x5 FSL for example?
I was part of Jim’s private forum for a while and he talks about how you don’t have to do the same supplemental template for each main lift and from his experience 1x20 FSL works great for Squat, 5x5 SSL works great for Bench, 5x5 FSL works great for DL and 10x5 FSL works great for OHP.