Just started adding t2 into my growing list of daily pills and powders. My plan was to take md6 at 7/12/4 and t2 at 8/2/7. Next week will see methoxy added in at 10 and 8. Anyone see difficulties with this? Would it be better to take the md6/t2 at the exact same time? Any other helpful hints?
Anyone done a stack of t2/methoxy/md6 before?
I’ve been using MD6/T2 stack for about 2 or 3 weeks now. I’ve lost close to 15 lbs. My strength hasn’t dropped at all. I’m not sure if I’m losing fat or muscle but I’ve being told by people I haven’t seen in a while that I’m looking leaner than before. I can build muscle almost out of thin air so if I lost more muscle mass than fat mass I don’t really care. My gut is close to 2 inches smaller, without any crazy AB routine. I do simple workouts. Gymnast Back, GVT 2000 for the rest of my body. Just make sure to force down your protein if you want to retain/gain lean muscle mass. I noticed with my stack right now it’s hard to want to eat. Try to find a good tasting protein so it easier to want to take it. I like ISOPURE if I’m forcing it down, or a very thinned out Advanced Protein - both with UDO’s oil. I take the stack at the same time 3 pills (2 MD6 & 2 T2 3x daily) your 7/12/4 is about the same time I take my pills. I’m not over doing the whole ‘force feed’ thing. I never feel like eating while I’m on this stack. I’m gonna cycle it on off for the next 6-8 months. I like the progress. BE SURE TO EAT!!! I completey forgot about eating for a couple of days and I felt like shit, strength wise - I felt that way but the poundages were the same, it felt like I struggled through the workouts and I slept for a good 12 hours because I was so exhausted. After eating 4 cups of oatmeal when I woke up, I felt better even if I took a shit every 2 hours for the day. At least I know I’m regular. Have fun with the stack. I’ll be buying some NEW METHOXY-7 in the next few weeks, I’ll post my results when I see some. Hope that helped. DON’T FORGET TO EAT!!!
For the month of July, and now September, I’m using MD6 and T2 together (was off both in August). I take two capsules of each three times per day (I know, I know). First thing in the morning, with one or two cups of coffee, before breakfast. Again at noon, a good hour to hour and 1/2 after my second or third meal of the day (depending upon when I got up), and again no later than 5:00 or 5:30 p.m., again having eaten an hour or 90 minutes earlier. I don’t believe it makes a difference whether you take T2 and MD6 together or not, in terms of their effectiveness, I do it this way 'cause it’s easier to remember. During the course of any day I take so many different pills and capsules…