How Do You Apply Tacky for Contest?

Hey, i’m a new member here, and i am also competing in my first strongman contest this sunday. I was just wondering how everyone applies tacky for stones (tape or no tape? warm or cold?)? im a little bit curious because my tacky methods in preparation only got me past 3 heavy stones, and i dont know if this is normal or not, but the stone event at my upcoming contest is a 160 lb. stone (not heavy for me, as ive loaded 265 for multiple reps) for reps in 75 seconds. I want my tacky to last as long as possible cause im shooting for 12-15 reps. Any and all advice is welcome, even if it doesn’t pertain to tacky or stones.

I tacky my arms bare, and then put big lumps of tacky on the back of your arms/shoulder/sides of thighs and “retacky” when the tacky comes off.


how small i this 160 stone, ive never seen a stone smaller than 225… and i can nearly grasp my hands around it.

I have no idea, I was wondering the same thing because I haven’t seen anything smaller than 200

important thing is get familiar with how your tacky works under various conditions,
such as hot weather, very hot & humid, when you’re sweaty, etc.

well i know when i get sweaty its nearly impossible to apply since ive done most of my training in hot weather, so what do you recommend to fix that problem?

well i know when i get sweaty its nearly impossible to apply since ive done most of my training in hot weather, so what do you recommend to fix that problem?

I am a little late since your contest is today, but how you apply your tacky and the tacky / forearm preparation should be adjusted depending on the weather.

You always want to make sure to apply the tacky to a clean, dry surface. This means that you can wash and towel your arms or use tape. Usually in warm or humid climates athletic tape, duct tape, or vetwrap are the way to go.

In cooler climates you want to keep your tacky warm wheras in warmer climates you may want to keep your tacky in the cooler and then take it out about 30 minutes prior to the stone event to let it warm up a bit. Using the correct type of tacky for the weather is also important - most people use Jack Tack for cool weather, Elite for Warm Weather, and I have found that Tommy Tack works well for mid-range.

Focus on applying the tacky to the areas of your arms/hands that will contact the stone. This includes the lower part of your palm, fingertips, and middle of your forearm. The best time to apply tacky is when you are about 5 minutes out from your stone run so that it does not become too soft while you are waiting. Apply the tacky in a thin and even coat, and then leave a bit on the back of your arm or hand in case you need more tacky during the stone run. It is also beneficial to put some tacky on your chest to keep the stone from slipping on your shirt.

I think this pretty much covers anything but if you have any additional questions I would be happy to help.

thanks for the post shakes, it wasnt too late, and it was really helpful.

also different brands of tacky react differently ,
so if you can try different ones out and see.
for ex, I find the Jackals gym tacky is good all purpose, its ready right out of the jar
Dave Ostlund’s tack on other hand i find you have to work it in, warm it up a bit before it gets real sticky for use, but once you worked it in then it’s long lasting.