you know what, i couldn’t care less. i think you’re a valuable person and have always looked up to your posts since i’ve been here, but really now i’m not the one acting like “one who sucks.”
i didn’t state the sex or the pop tarts things to brag or anything, but to address that flappinit was hinting at in his post (so basically that i’m socially awkward and obsessive about eating) in his post, in which he was also trying to sound tough by putting me down. anyway, @flappinit props for being able to run and vomit at the same time, i never tried that but hey, i’m just a kid, you are the MAN here. the M A N.
go ahead, keep insulting me. but i’m starting to think that i might not be the idiot here, as you are the one misinterpreting a good chunk of what i say. and english is supposed to be YOUR native language, isn’t it?
anyway, i think you’re doing yourself a disservice by wasting time with an idiot like me, right? after all you’re a MAN, with kids no less, and you have important SHIT TO DO right?
i’ll waste no more time in this thread, as i got my answers and even more, so feel free to spend your precious time doing something else (if you run out of ideas ask your friend who likes to vomit and run, sounds fun for real. and it’s TOUGH. or you could do something even more fun and go up to a total stranger and tell them you don’t like them even if they don’t give a shit), because i won’t answer anymore.