[quote]Professor X wrote:
sasquatch wrote:
aikigreg wrote:
Been a long time lifter, but as I have lost weight over time (thanks, T-mag!) I have gotten into cycling and become competitive. As such, the last 4 months I practically eliminated lifting during the competitive season. Weight was maintained pretty well, though I recognize I lost some strength and muscle mass. I’m working on increasing muscle mass and losing fat.
So I’ve been back in the gym (3 weeks) and lifting hard with a solid Waterbury protocol, and I recently started taking HOT-ROX Extreme and Alpha Male. I’ve been eating cleaner as well, dialing down the simple carbs needed when I cycle.
I’ve gained 10 pounds! Doesn’t seem to be fat, but I’m not sure. I’m starting measurements tonight, so I guess I’ll have my answer in a couple more weeks for sure.
I’ve never taken Carbolin 19 before, and I’m assuming this is the cause of the weight gain given Biotest’s description of how Carbolin 19 works.
I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience?
First–I don’t know which Alpha Male you have, but be careful of combining the 2. You may want just TRIBEX.
Second–you’ve gained 10lbs in 3 weeks. It ain’t muscle so it’s either water or fat.
I agree with the premise of the previous poster, but that wouldn’t account for 10lbs in 3 weeks. You simply are eating too much or too much of the wrong foods. You say clean–I say workout/HOT-ROX/clean/drop carbs DOES NOT equal this type of weight gain.
That doesn’t sound like Carbolin 19 results at all. The idea was to lose body fat and gain lean mass therby resulting in little weight lost, but an improved body composition. I’m sure they aren’t stacking the 2 products for an end result of 10lb weight gains in 3 weeks.
You are forgetting about muscle memory on someone who claims they quit lifting weights and lost muscle from it.[/quote]
I would agree that muscle memory is a factor, but I did account for water in my post. My answer was purely, he didn’t put on 10lbs of muscle in 3 weeks.