Is anyone else here a hot pepper junky like me?
Don’t know if I can be called a junky but i def. eat them alot!
Let there be no doubt about it!
I second that emotion.
I can’t live without my peppers - the hotter, the better.
Definitely, I even grow my own!
Do you grow your own?
I can’t get enough of them and the hotter the better. I even grow my own.
Unfortunately, this past winter I lost my serrano pepper plant. I really liked the peppers it gave me. Currently, I have a Thai pepper plant, tabasco pepper and some other one that someone gave me. They didn’t know what kind and I’m waiting to see what I get. Although, it is small(the plant) so I may not get any peppers until next year.
Definitely a chile pepper junkie. I grow 12 varieties and even experiment with making my own hot sauces.
No, I Don’t grow my own. My family isn’t really into the heat! However a close friend of mine who’s family comes from south Italy grows their own and wow they have a kick! Forza!
I love hot peppers too. I eat them almost daily. I’m growing habaneros and cowhorn cayenne, my dad grows them also so I’ve got a good supply.