I’m sorry if I’m not posting this in the right forum, I wasn’t sure where to put it.
Basically I’m looking into getting a simple, non-adjustable flat bench and I was thinking of making one myself (from wood). I thought it would be a fun little project and it would be cheaper than buying one.
I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with doing this (or something similar) and could give any advice?
[quote]Professor X wrote:
Benches are too cheap to make one unless you are REAL good with some tools.
If my safety is a matter at hand, I will pay the extra cash so the shit doesn’t collapse on me while trying to build my chest.[/quote]
[quote]howie424 wrote:
Apex makes a good flat bench for like 50 bucks.[/quote]
Thanks for the input guys. Howie - thanks but I’m Scottish and haven’t found one for less than the equivalent of $65 over here. Not a huge amount, but I really don’t have any spare cash. Good name btw :).
I think I should be able to make one that can hold up, as the heaviest I’ll use it for is a 88lb kettlebell one-arm press at a bodyweight of 220lb. So it’s not like it’ll be withstanding massive weights.
I’m sorry if I’m not posting this in the right forum, I wasn’t sure where to put it.
Basically I’m looking into getting a simple, non-adjustable flat bench and I was thinking of making one myself (from wood). I thought it would be a fun little project and it would be cheaper than buying one.
I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with doing this (or something similar) and could give any advice?
Thank you for your time.
I just don’t really trust wood. If you could weld I would say go for it but wood just seems sketchy to me.
You can make two boxes and lay them end to end. If you make the dimensions something like 2 feet x 2.5 x 3, you’ll have a set you can use for pulling/plyo boxes as well
Scaffolding planks are stout enough.
If you’re going ultra-basic, stick bricks underneath it. I didn’t use any mortar, but arguably you should
If you want padding, see if you can get some blue padded sheeting from a factory. It’s good stuff and not too squidgy.
If you want uprights, I’d make them out of mild steel. Box-section works, but use a heavy guage.
I took onboard what people were saying about safety and making sure that my bench was sturdy enough, so I’ve compromised on it.
Instead of building a full-size bench I’ve built a very low one, out of 3in x 3in post, that stands only 6in tall. It’s very sturdy and, although low, still allows me to reach full ROM. Also it’s small size means that I can easily tidy it away.
[quote]browndisaster wrote:
Do you want the bench to be at a standard height?
You can make two boxes and lay them end to end. If you make the dimensions something like 2 feet x 2.5 x 3, you’ll have a set you can use for pulling/plyo boxes as well[/quote]
Thanks, that’s a great idea. The only issue is I don’t have a dedicated home gym area like a garage or whatever, I just train in my living room, and boxes like that would take up too much space. Good idea though!