I’m a high school football player heading in to his first year of varsity next year. I’m skinny but athletic, the kind of player who is one of the best players on his J.V. team but is just hoping to contribute at all on varsity.
My main goal is obviously to get bigger since I’m at 5’11’’ and 150 right now. This wasn’t too much of a problem during basketball season; I could lift before practice or games, down a post-workout shake, and be on with it.
However, track season starts Monday and with it comes some serious mass-building problems, the biggest of which is that every single practice and meet starts directly after school. This means if I follow a 3-day per week schedule I’ll have to train in the morning twice a week (the school weight room is open on Sunday nights). I can’t get the weight room opened in the morning, so I’m going to have to make due with what I have; a barbell and a bench.
The plan is to wake up about 45 minutes earlier than normal on Tuesdays and Thursdays to fit in a basic workout. But, because I lack experience, I’m not sure how to set it up. I want to gain mass and explosiveness but I want to do it 1) without a squat rack, dumbbells, trap bars, and other good equipment most of the time, 2) without taking so long that I have to go to sleep at 8:00 every night just to get up early enough to workout, and 3) without causing excessive soreness or CNS fatigue that would inhibit my track performance.
Here’s my (rough) plan so far.
TUESDAY (in garage, morning)
Traditional Deadlift 8x3
a1.Flat Barbell Bench Press 5-4-3-2
a2.Bent-Over Barbell Rows 4x6
Push Press 4x5
Thursday (in garage, morning)
Tricep Press** 6x3
Good Mornings 3x8
Overhead Squats 2x10
Power Snatch 4x3
Military Press 3x8
Chin-Ups (off tree branch) 2xalmost failure
Sunday Night (at weight room) (I have more time here)
Flat Barbell Bench Press 4x6
Barbell Back Squat 5x5
Weighted Chin-Ups 5x3
Incline Dumbbell Press 2x8
Leg Curls 2x8
Lateral Raises 2x10
Neck Flexion Machine 2x10 (per side of neck)
Decline Russian Twists 5x5
**Triceps Press refers to any heavy triceps movement, I will change it every 3 weeks. These include Close-Grip Bench Presses, Floor Presses, and Dips.
I’m using the Sunday workout to work on any thing I can’t do in my garage (dumbbell work, leg curls, neck flexions).
This is simply a rough plan from someone who has little experience designing his own programs, and I want to make the best gains possible. I know that there are much better minds here than myself, and I know that these minds know how to get strong a lot better than a skinny high school kid.
How would you guys go about designing a program for someone under my conditions? Size is my priority in the upper body and power is my priority in the lower body.