Hi, I’m new here so first off a little background:
I started training when I was 16, really skinny kid(5’8" and about 95lbs) After a year I got up to about 140lbs. Not that much, but I did look pretty muscular compared to the rest.(At the time, I had no idea nutrition was important)
But then I went off to college, with the good intention of training every day and seriously. However that didn’t work as planned, every gym here gives very cheap membership to students so every gym is filled.
You have to wait 10-15min for each exercice, and it’s just impossible to do supersets. A split training takes 2-3 hours, and because of the rest in between you’re hardly tired.
After trying that for half a year, I left the gym and haven’t really been training since. I’m 19 now, still 5’8" and about 125lbs, and I’ve decided to start training seriously again, this time including decent nutrition.
I’ve found everything I needed here about nutrition, but for training I still don’t have the possibility of a good gym. So I was wondering:
Is it possible to have a decent training just at home? I have dumbells with as much weight as I’ll ever need.
If so, can I find a training program here? I’ve only found ones that require a gym… I fear that decent compound exercices will be difficult.
[quote]groenschoen wrote:
Hi, I’m new here so first off a little background:
I started training when I was 16, really skinny kid(5’8" and about 95lbs) After a year I got up to about 140lbs. Not that much, but I did look pretty muscular compared to the rest.(At the time, I had no idea nutrition was important)
But then I went off to college, with the good intention of training every day and seriously. However that didn’t work as planned, every gym here gives very cheap membership to students so every gym is filled.
You have to wait 10-15min for each exercice, and it’s just impossible to do supersets. A split training takes 2-3 hours, and because of the rest in between you’re hardly tired.
After trying that for half a year, I left the gym and haven’t really been training since. I’m 19 now, still 5’8" and about 125lbs, and I’ve decided to start training seriously again, this time including decent nutrition.
I’ve found everything I needed here about nutrition, but for training I still don’t have the possibility of a good gym. So I was wondering:
Is it possible to have a decent training just at home? I have dumbells with as much weight as I’ll ever need.
If so, can I find a training program here? I’ve only found ones that require a gym… I fear that decent compound exercices will be difficult.
Thx in advance.
PS: Yes, I’ll be laying off the beer from now on :)[/quote]
1 yes DB’s are great and most any program based on compounds you can do the DB versions legs will be a bit tough.
Id say also seems like the problem wasnt so much the gym but you not fitting to it. Commercial gyms get busy if you can super set do what you can do hell do EDT claim a station for 15 mins and dont give it up they can wait. do straight sets etc.
TBT or ABBH by Chad Waterbury, OLAD by Dan John, Alwynn Cosgroves stuff
I don’t have to wait on anyone to get done using the squat rack or anything.
And I have a very basic set up a 300lb olympic barbell set roughly 100$ new, an adjustable bench again about 100$ and a squat rack that I can bench in also which costs like 150$.
If all you have are DB’s then try doing floor presses, 1 arm DB snatches and 1 arm bench pressing.
You can also do 1 legged squats, just get creative. If there is a will there is a way.
for exercise selection, you can head over to exrx.com. They have a muscle map of the body with just about every exercise known to man. It’s true that all you “need” for training is a bench and a set of dumbbells. That’s what I’ve been doing for the last 4 years, and I’ve made progress. But if you want to train heavy with your legs, I’d get a power cage of some kind for safety reasons.