As far as strength goes, my quadriceps and hamstrings are pretty strong. But my hips are weak as hell, and it really shows by
what my Squat max is. So my question is what are good exercises that I can do in the weight room to strengthen my hips. I’m
already doing Wide-Stance Back Squats to parallel and about 120 degree depth Back Squats as assistance exercises, and they
seem to be working fairly well. But they don’t seem adequate by themselves for a hip strengthing program. So I’m looking for
additional hip strengtheners. Has anyone tried exercises that totally blasted your hips or know of any that will? As an ideal I’m
looking for exercises that don’t put too much stress on the quads, hams, and lower back (for recovery reasons) and ones that can
have a decent carryover to athletic strength (not a very easy task to find). But less than idea can still be worthwhile. I should also
mention that Power Cleans really haven’t worked for me. They tap into my recovery for my shoulders and back. I’m open to any
and all suggestions. Thanks a lot.
Mike Dewald