Hi again guys.
I’m having some issues with my hip, and just wondering if it sounded serious. It’s only on my left side, and seems to involve either the joint or the muscle that allows me to push my leg outwards (to the side). Weird to explain, it feels like a sort of numb pain, like it’s not actually very painful but it feels like something has pressed against me for a while.
It sets on like every once in a while if sit still or lie down in the same position for long.
It happened soon after I hit 90kg in squat (5x4), which was around the same time I managed 130kg deadlifts (4x5+1x4). I also do good mornings (3x10x30kg) and step-ups but that’s it for lower body.
I took 3 consecutive days off. Then lifted again (with little stress on hamstrings etc). And still I had some issues afterwards. And now I’ve not lifted for 5 days. Will lift tonight though.
I’ve also had some fatigue-like pain in my knees that I mostly feel in the morning after lifts, but I’ve deemed those as being more normal than the hip thing.
I’m mostly wondering if this is an injury, and if so how I could have gotten it as I’ve never used those leg machines where you kick to the sides.
Could good mornings, deadlifts, and squats cause this?