Hey folks. I am returning to T-Mag after a year and a half lapse. I am just starting to take my training seriously again.
Anyways, I’ve been trying to squat but I have pain in my hip abductor and adductor/joint area. It may be skeletal muscle related, but I feel it’s joint or tendon related.
My history includes some olympic lifting and a lot of collegiate wrestling. Could either of these activities result in pelvic/femoric deterioration.
abductors are on the outside of the hip and thigh and adductors are on the inside of the thigh and hip. which is it? it will help to know more details.
I’ve had the same problems. Folks here suggested stretching, which helped some.
But I have also switched over to front squats for now, and am much happier. For whatever reason, they do not hurt my joints, whereas back squats do hurt.
I was doing a certain stretch for my back which put some stretch on my hip. Now my hip hrts and feels like it isn’t as tight in the socket as it was. Watch those joint capsules & propriceptors.