I’m an athlete looking to improve my hip flexibility for greater speed and agility. I don’t do the Davies hurdle stuff, but I’m looking for some goal to work toward. Would the goal of squatting ass-to-floor be a good goal in terms of flexbility for speed and agility? Right now I’m nowhere close to it.
A bit confused with your goal - is it to improve your hip flexibility? The hurdle mobility drills, tumbling along with full Squats (Overhead, Front and Back) are some of the best ways to assist.
Good luck,
In faith,
Coach Davies
Yes I am looking to improve my hip flexibility. I’m going to do front & overhead squats, as well as tumbling in the hopes of one day squatting ass-to-floor.
Hope this clears things up
great work, over-time it will come. Be patient and keep at it. Drop me an email if you wish.
In faith,
Coach Davies
mungo how wide is your stance when you squat? One of the pitfalls, among MANY! was, I was trying to go ass to floor with a stance inside my shoulders. For me ass to floor is impossible to do with that stance. Once I got my legs out, to me what was really wide, ass to floor came on the first rep. This might help.
Here comes hijack mungo! Coach Davies, should someone even attempt to squat with a stance inside shoulder width trying to go ass to floor?
Actually not a “hijack” but a important point because my athletes will vary the width of stance, as well as Squat style extensively in order to avoid adaptation.
In faith,
Coach Davies
So when trying to go ass to the floor varaition of stance width is important to prevent stagnation? So all stance widths, a shoulder width stance, outside shoulder width stance and a wide stance, should be used equally?
The question should be is your goal to Squat to the basement or more diverse hip flexibility that carries over to performance as with the original post?
Please note that within my training we yes, Squat with varying stances, various methods (i.e. Front, Overhead, Back) plus utilize the full assortment of mobility drills.
Have you looked at the mobility drills in either “RT for Football” or “Xtreme Sports Training”?
In faith,
Coach Davies
Here is my question which hopefully is more clear. I sometimes think really quick without getting it all typed out.
Can going ass to the floor be used with all squat stances? Not necessarily for any type of goal just if it is possible without putting yourself at risk for injury? Would it be beneficial with all stances and squat variation movements?
I suggest you check out my chapter on Eccentric Quasi Isometrics (EQIs) in Christan Thibaudeau’s book “Modern Strength & Power Methods” available at Charlie Francis’ site.
This is the single most effective method that I have found for increasing static and dynamic flexibility at a dramatic rate. Christian found it so effective that he replaced all of his traditional flexibility work with the EQI methodic.
Listen to Tony!!!
I’ve seen great improvements in flexibility (in OL moves and hockey stride) since I’ve implemented EQIs into my routine.
I have read CT’s book, and the section on EQIs. I haven’t tried it yet, but my question is what other positions are recommended for EQIs?? Or are the four given all you need??
RDL holds, fullsquat holds with heels in the air, very narrow stance, GM holds, bulgarian splitsquat holds
have all worked well for me
Sit and reach improved dramaticly
just take a lot at some of my posted workouts
Also need to remember that other factors affect whether or not you can squat to the depth you are wanting such as tight calves. Remember too that you still need to maintian a lumbar lordosis throughout the entire rom. The best stratch I have found for most athletes is to get into a lunge position, posteriorly rotate the pelvis, twist the upper body in the opposite direction than the back leg (this is because the muscle being targeted in the stretch goes from the femur to the spine) and then move your arms over your head. For some people when I first get them to perform this exercise, just rotating the pelvis posteriorly is enough.
Coach Davies -
My goal is for more diverse hip flexibility for improved performance. So would Overhead & front squats, full squat oly’s, and tumbling be a combination?
CoolColJ -
Can you elaborate further on those “holds” you mentioned?
P.S. I had the RT for Football ebook but it got deleted by accident.
basicly hold the the exercises in the full stretched position with loads for long periods of time, ie over a minute
basicly an isometric if you will
Not trying to argue, just trying to learn (and help if possible). But why hold for 60 seconds? Like I said, I am just trying to hear the reason behind that as everything I have read says that after 30 seconds or so there is no use in holding a stretch. But obviously that is not for an exercise and just a stretch. So am wondering the rationale there. I am always trying to learn wherever possible.
Ren- The possibilities for EQI movements are endless. Once you understand what constitutes an EQI then it is relatively easy to come up with movements that fit the bill. The main movements I use are the EQI 1-legged squat and EQI push-up. There are many others that I will use on occasion however (pullovers, curls, etc.) It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
bourbonboy- EQIs are actually often held for much longer than 60 seconds (sometimes over 300 seconds). This is due to the fact that they offer a wide-range of other benefits beyond flexibility.
For flexibility most people will only need 60-120 seconds, but this will vary from athlete to athlete (more advanced athletes needing less time). Keep in mind that this isn’t a traditional “sit-and-reach” type of stretch, so the traditional parameters for flexibility training no longer apply.
The simple reason for the long duration is to allow the muscles to fatigue and “sink” into the stretch.
For more in-depth information on the hows and whys of EQIs I highly recommend Christian’s book.
Thanks Tony