So I’m doing some HIIT stuff on off days. I’m doing 531 4 days a week (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri), and on Sundays and Wednesdays I’m doing some HIIT stuff to keep the juices flowing. I’m also dieting (I’m down about 12 pounds since the second week of January).
What I’m trying to do is optimize my HIIT workouts so they keep my metabolism going (I’ve seen it taper off from raging high at 20 to rather pathetic now at 38) strong while dieting. I’m around 20% bodyfat (just a guess) at 200 lbs at 5’9". I’d like to get down to 180 - 185 before I maintain and labour to establish a new set point.
So what I am doing is jump rope sprints for 30 secs, rest 15 secs x 5, and bodyweight stuff on tabata times (speed squats, burpees, mountain climbers, speed skips, repeat).
I’m not sure that is enough time. I mean, it is self regulating, so I feel like absolute crap (and often want to cry) when I’m done because I keep the intensity up. But is the volume enough? I’ve added in some farmer’s walks afterwards, but looking for something that will keep my metabolism boosted while not interfering with 531 (which continues to progress normally despite being on a diet).
Advice is welcome!