Hey guys, I’m finishing my first round of 5-3-1 by Jim Wendler in a week here and I think I’m going to go back on a more bodybuilding style split… I was just curious as to what you guys though was best for strength and size gains: high volume, or high intensity. Previously I’ve had a lot of success picking a rep range, 8-10 for example, and when I could complete the required sets and reps in that range, I’d increase the next week and continue until I hit the reps, then increase again… etc… So I’m thinking I’ll continue with that pattern, except I’m stuck between whether I want to go high volume or high intensity. I’m a big fan of both so it’s a pretty tough decision haha. Thanks for the input.
Haha, well I have an idea, it basically comes down to me being stuck, I wish I could combine the two somehow, but I don’t want to risk injury. PLus I’d like to see everyone’s opinions !
What exactly is you´re problem? Just pick one method and if working up to a 8-10 rep max has worked why don´t continue doing it? If you´re plateauing reduce do a deload and get back at it!
You could keep the 4 basic 5/3/1 exercises and do a body part split.
Like on Military press day you train your delts and biceps as assistance, on squat day you train your legs as assistance, bench day you train your chest and triceps after, and then on deadlift day you train your back and abs after the main movement. You end up with a logical progression for your main movements and still have a balanced routine for all bodyparts.
Plus one round or cycle of 5/3/1 is really nothing, keep at it (by the book) for a while and eat for your goals you might quite surprised by the result both in size and strength