High Volume, Short Workouts?

Hey guys,

It’s been a while and I just finished an 8 week workout and the results were underwhelming. I’ve realized that I simply need a high volume workout like GVT/OVT in order to make real gains. The problem is I’m no longer in college and I don’t have 1-2 hours a day to dedicate solely to the gym. I would much rather work out 7 days a week for 45 minutes than 4 days a week for 1.5 hours. I couldn’t find a forum topic on this, nor could I find any high-frequency workouts that weren’t bodypart specific. I’m looking for a program like OVT/GVT that can be spread out so the workouts are shorter, but revolve on something like a 6/7 day/week plan.

I’m not sure I’m reading it right. You want short workouts, that are high volume, that aren’t a bodypart split?

For a quick workout I like CT’s HSS-100 program, workouts generally took me 35 minutes. Or hernon/Modok type thing (with my spin), Which I would modify where you ramp sets of 6 on a main exercise. Once you hit your top end, switch to an exercise for same bodypart, do one set for ~12 reps, and then pick another exercise for same bodypart for 15-20ish reps.

So for chest, using above idea. You mite ramp incline press to 6 reps, then do DB press for 12 reps, then DC style smith incline press for 20ish reps. I prefer 1-2 reps shy of failure. Then go to next bodypart for that day.

Just some ideas.

[quote]mch60360 wrote:

So for chest, using above idea. You mite ramp incline press to 6 reps, then do DB press for 12 reps, then DC style smith incline press for 20ish reps. I prefer 1-2 reps shy of failure. Then go to next bodypart for that day.

Just some ideas. [/quote]

That’s pretty interesting… Is that principally for the reason of getting workout time down or does it have any particular benefit to hypertrophy?

Would you be able to give me an example of how to do that set by set for incline bench, db flat bench and then finally barbell flat bench?

[quote]mch60360 wrote:
I’m not sure I’m reading it right. You want short workouts, that are high volume, that aren’t a bodypart split?

For a quick workout I like CT’s HSS-100 program, workouts generally took me 35 minutes. Or hernon/Modok type thing (with my spin), Which I would modify where you ramp sets of 6 on a main exercise. Once you hit your top end, switch to an exercise for same bodypart, do one set for ~12 reps, and then pick another exercise for same bodypart for 15-20ish reps.

So for chest, using above idea. You mite ramp incline press to 6 reps, then do DB press for 12 reps, then DC style smith incline press for 20ish reps. I prefer 1-2 reps shy of failure. Then go to next bodypart for that day.

Just some ideas. [/quote]

oh sorry did i say not bodypart split? that was a mistake, bodypart splits are fine. all i meant to say was i want something like OVT/GVT that is high volume, but try and split it up over more days.

Well it decreases time spent in the gym. But I’d say it allows you to induce hypertrophy from muscle fatigue (high recruitment) and you can do this more often.

An example from my training notebook (I was training for a strongman comp, so some strength thrown in).

A)Inc Press was something like 135x3,155x3,185x3,205x3,225x3,235x3,195x6 (done with this exercise)
B)DB Inc Press (rotating from supine grip at bottom to prone with squeeze at top) 50 lbx12 (done)
C)Smith Inc Press (wideish grip, bar to nipples, focus on pushing up and towards face) 90x20 (done)

Then you could go on with shoulders or triceps or something.

[quote]acelement wrote:
I’ve realized that I simply need a high volume workout like GVT/OVT in order to make real gains. [/quote]

How do you know this?

Would a 3 day split routine of Chest/Tris, Back/Bis/Shoulders, Legs repeated twice a week with 1 day rest work for you?

I personally would start with the “How do you train” threads for Cephalic_Carnage and/or Prof X to get instruction on how to go about it.

The fact that you can get to the gym 6/7 days a week, for 45 mins will work to your favour no matter what your goal is, provided your diet is excellent.

How about a split like this one:

MONDAY - Chest
WEDNESDAY - Traps / Shoulders

With 3-4 exercises per body part and 3 heavy sets per exercise, all workouts last 40 minutes max.

5/3/1 Boring But Big template

What Cprimero said.

@XanderBuilt: I know this because over the past 5 years or so, the workouts that always produced the best gains were OVT and a 4-day upper/lower split where the workouts took 1.5 hours to complete. Both workouts are 4 days a week and are about 1.5 hrs / workout…so if I can get the same volume (6 hours) spread out over 6-7 days (45 min - 1 hr) that would be much better.

I think you have the right idea Xander so I’ll check those threads, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t just haphazardly throwing together a custom routine when I know I’m not advanced enough to just make up my own stuff.

[quote]acelement wrote:
@XanderBuilt: I know this because over the past 5 years or so, the workouts that always produced the best gains were OVT and a 4-day upper/lower split where the workouts took 1.5 hours to complete. Both workouts are 4 days a week and are about 1.5 hrs / workout…so if I can get the same volume (6 hours) spread out over 6-7 days (45 min - 1 hr) that would be much better.

I think you have the right idea Xander so I’ll check those threads, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t just haphazardly throwing together a custom routine when I know I’m not advanced enough to just make up my own stuff.[/quote]

Yeah I think you’ll progress well with a properly designed split. I think people have suggested other good ideas like 5/3/1 and other splits which is good also (5/3/1 is usually over 4 days IIRC). With C_C and X’s thread there is a lot of discussion and refinement and both of them still post heavily on this forum so you’re more likely to get better advice. There is a thread on T Cell Alpha called “Body Part Once Weekly” started by Modok, it’s worth reading that cover to cover too (search for it, it will come up). That discusses a split program as well (basically hitting the body parts twice a week for better development).

[quote]acelement wrote:
@XanderBuilt: I know this because over the past 5 years or so, the workouts that always produced the best gains were OVT and a 4-day upper/lower split where the workouts took 1.5 hours to complete. Both workouts are 4 days a week and are about 1.5 hrs / workout…so if I can get the same volume (6 hours) spread out over 6-7 days (45 min - 1 hr) that would be much better.

I think you have the right idea Xander so I’ll check those threads, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t just haphazardly throwing together a custom routine when I know I’m not advanced enough to just make up my own stuff.[/quote]

Yeah I think you’ll progress well with a properly designed split. I think people have suggested other good ideas like 5/3/1 and other splits which is good also (5/3/1 is usually over 4 days IIRC). With C_C and X’s thread there is a lot of discussion and refinement and both of them still post heavily on this forum so you’re more likely to get better advice. There is a thread on T Cell Alpha called “Body Part Once Weekly” started by Modok, it’s worth reading that cover to cover too (search for it, it will come up). That discusses a split program as well (basically hitting the body parts twice a week for better development).

[quote]acelement wrote:
Hey guys,

It’s been a while and I just finished an 8 week workout and the results were underwhelming. I’ve realized that I simply need a high volume workout like GVT/OVT in order to make real gains. The problem is I’m no longer in college and I don’t have 1-2 hours a day to dedicate solely to the gym. I would much rather work out 7 days a week for 45 minutes than 4 days a week for 1.5 hours. I couldn’t find a forum topic on this, nor could I find any high-frequency workouts that weren’t bodypart specific. I’m looking for a program like OVT/GVT that can be spread out so the workouts are shorter, but revolve on something like a 6/7 day/week plan.[/quote]

^^^ can i suggest something

the best for volume and having workouts under 45 minutes would be Gironda Style Training.

German volume training is based on Gironda’s teachings, so you might as well look up his work.

As a reference point this is what it would look like

Day 1- Chest,shoulders, triceps (1 exercise each and do 6 sets of 6 reps, or 8x8 or 10x10)
Day 2- Legs, calves, abs (same as above)
Day 3- Back, biceps, traps (same as above)

why 1 exercise? because doing that many sets will kill you CNS and therefore requires less work (by choosing 1 exercise)

Gironda also replaced a lot of conventional exercises with his own which I highly suggest you change as well.

bench press becomes the neck press (much better if performed properly)
sit-ups becomes frog sit-ups (search it up)
pull-ups become gironda pull-ups (search it up)

In the end, you die. Just completely superior to a lot of the methods out there.

p.s.: you wait max 30-45 seconds between sets and therefore finish a lot quicker, give your muscles less recoup time and make them fail faster.

p.s.s: take 1 week off after two months of training. you’ll need it. AND RESEARCH!!! He is the best.

p.s.s.s: good luck

You don’t need 1.5 hrs 4x per week…if you actually push yourself, and are smart about programming, 1 hr 4-5 days a week is plenty. Look into 5-3-1 like people have suggested.

[quote]hungry4more wrote:
You don’t need 1.5 hrs 4x per week…if you actually push yourself, and are smart about programming, 1 hr 4-5 days a week is plenty. Look into 5-3-1 like people have suggested. [/quote]

Amazing avi change Nate, you’re probably going to get a lot of comments on this today :stuck_out_tongue:

what about doing CT’s HP mass workouts, but do 2&1 instead of 3&1 would fit into under an hour, but still be high volume on key lifts

Take a look at Matt Krocs workouts:
They are generally high reps, and shouldn’t take too long.

for 6-7 days per week i like this set up

7)repeat or off

2 exercises per body part

first leg day is quad dominant. second leg day is ham dominant

shoulder/arms day is usually kinda long but i superset bis/tris to cut time

EDIT: now that i think about it im pretty sure i stole that from MODOKS body part once weekly thread… maybe check that out?