Found this on after looking into “Leangains” for building muscle and losing fat. The guy gained very notable amount of muscle with very little fat. Hitting upper body 3 days per week and lower body once.
"I do an upper body/lower body split. I hit my full upper body about 3 times a week or so, and i hit my lower body (legs) once a week. For my upper body I focus on the main compound lifts with some isolation exercises as well. Example:
Incline DB Press
Decline Press
Incline flies
Various grip pull-ups/Chins
Bent over rows
Shoulder press/Military press
side delt raises with cable
Skullcrushers supersetted with close grip bench
Tricep pushdowns
Various grip curls
Hammer curls
Chin ups
I do all these in one day, but in keep in mind I only do about 2-3 sets per exercise. The whole workout takes me a little over an hour. And I switch up some exercises here n there as well as the order.
For legs I just do the normal ****:
ATG squats
Leg press
Leg extensions
Seated calf raises
standing calf raises"
What do you guys think of this routine for gaining muscle, the guy claims he doest count calories but reduces carbs on off days as detailed in the leangains guide. The total workout comes to 27 sets, I am used to doing 18-21 sets per body part on a 5 day split and I seem to recover in 3 days so 9 per body part recovery shouldn’t be an issue.