[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
That should help. I’d also look into supplementing with magnesium. Poliquin has written a bunch about how magnesium relates to the nervous system. (Say what you want about some of his claims, he does still know his stuff, especially in terms of strategic supplementation.) This info may also be useful: 12 Tips to Tune the Nervous System [/quote]
cool article, and I’m actually still a big fan of Poliquin despite it being fashionable these days to laugh at him. I wouldn’t be surprised if in a few year’s time his supplement claims that were dismissed at first turn out to be right.
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
Maybe check out some yoga, seriously. Not sure what the yoga scene is like near you, but “restorative yoga” is basically a guided meditation session with some basic and slightly-not-basic stretches thrown in. To paraphrase Dan John, a 90-minute yoga class is 90 minutes longer than most people relax in a week.[/quote]
It’s funny you should say that, as I did actually try my first ever yoga class the other day. My girlfriend’s been bugging me for months to try it so I gave it a bash on the understanding that if I didn’t like it I didn’t ever have to go back and she’d stop asking.
Crippled! I was absolutely crippled afterwards. My lumbar spine is stuck in extension and all the hyperextension we had to do in the class really aggravated my SI joint. It was agony, so yeah, I think I’ll give it a miss. It was worth a try though, and I learned that the downward dog is a great activation exercise for the muscles round the scapula, so that’s something.
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
If you die before ever posting a picture, I’mma be pissed, so, yeah, get healthy. I’m figuring you’ve ruled out this being a short-term side effect from any of your not-off-the-shelf supplements? Sorry, but that’d be the first thing I’d consider, though I’m majorly in the dark and admittedly ignorant in terms of that side of things.[/quote]
Haha, if I get my heart rate down to 60 bpm then I’ll take a photo in your choice of women’s underwear and heels!
You’re right about those - ahem - supplements in that they can cause a rise in blood pressure but mine has always been high anyway, and they’ve never made it shoot up so that’s something at least. I think my lack of conditioning is much more likely to blame.
It’ll actually be quite an interesting thing to see whether or not my lowered heart rate I achieve through cardio remains low when I use steroids. If I do manage to get my HR to a nice, low, relaxed pace and it shoots up massively when I use, then I’ll probably quit the drugs altogether.