Im cleaning up my diet to try and get in great shape (eg-mainly lose the fat on my stomach and maintain what i have) for the upcoming summer(its freezing in australia at the moment) im 24 6’4 230 and im lean exept the dreaded gut,but i know its from my bad eating habits like having fruit bars fruit juices candy bars and all that crap,so i was tring to work out the best carb and fat intake to use.
Whenever i have a p + f meal i start shaking a little and crave every bit of carb from one end of my house to the other where as if i have a P + c meal i get really sleepy and lathargic so any advice you guys could give me, maybe something like a diet say 50% p 25% c 25% f not quite sure just thought id ask the experts.
Thanks muchly
Why not eat p+f meals but include a piece of fruit at every meal. Then after you do your workout have a p+c meal like oats and protein powder etc. Check out massive eating reloaded, it says that you can include some small amount of fruit with you p+f meals.
From the sound of things your body is accustomed to processed, sugary, high(er) glycemic carbs for energy. And what you’d really like is to teach your body to draw on stored fat for energy (which would help you lose that gut!)
There will be a time of transition while you wean your body off of sugar. Try the following:
Eat protein every meal
Eat green veggie carbs before your workout.
Allow yourself starchy carbs PWO (oatmeal again, if you like, sweet potatoes, yams, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole-grain and whole-wheat bread – the real stuff, again, the kind you have to really CHEW)
Oatmeal (the real stuff, not the flavored kind) for breakfast is okay.
Allow yourself fruit, but cut out sugar, sweets, cokes of the non-diet variety, snacks, candy bars (including PROTEIN BARS), chips and just generally anything in a box.
That ought to pretty well fix your carb problems and switch your body from being a sugar burner into being a fat burner.
You may want to check with your doctor re your blood sugar. You may be hypoglycemic, which is usually an indication that you’re headed in the direction of diabetes. Not good! I’m glad to to see that you’re trying to make some positive changes in your life.
I would have to agree with the hypoglycemia. Before I started eating better I would crave soda, sugar, candy over real food msot of the time. Then when I had it I would feel high for bout 20min then lethargic, even downright sick for afew hours, it got to the point I would just conk out (pass out, fall asleep) & nap.
I havent had my blood sugar tested, I know I have severe hypoglycemia, I know I was headed twords diabetes. I dont know if I have diabetes, i suppose its possible(i dont know the symptoms).
What I can tell you, is it takes awhile for your body to adjust to loose the high sugar carbs most of the time. Once you do, its smooth sailing. Sure I still crave carbs rarely, but I allow myself to have whatever I want on the weekends, and one thing I’ve noticed it the highs & lows have gotten a million times better. I still feel the up & down from sugar, I dont get as lethargic, I no longer need to nap after I eat a piece of cake, or some ice cream on recarb days. I also eat a full meal thats generally healthy before eating junk on cheat day.
Now that I have insurance again I can go get my blood sugars tested, but I know I shouldve done it before when I was having the worst problems.