
I’ve adjusted my diet to 45% carb, 35% protein (1 gr./BW) and 20% fat. Previosly I was taking in more protein, more fat and less carb. I am now doing split routines so I feel I need the extra carb. Other than Gatorade for the Creatine,and some veggies, all carbs are complex and I take in none after 3 pm. Around 8 pm I get strong cravings for sweets, not normal for me, and dive into Halloween candy big time. I’d think with more complex carbs this wouldn’t happen but it has. Calories unchanged from previous, taking in 2200, wt. 160, BF 20%. Thanks for any comments and hopefully fixes.

Gatorade is garbage. Ditch it or at least water in down to half its conentration.

jay - don’t be afraid to take in carbs in the afternoon or evening especially if you are hitting the iron more. eat the right carbs and they won’t be stored away as fat. i promise. when i get too many of my carbs from simple sources they get used up way too fast, i get a blood sugar crash that leaves me wanting more simple sugars to get the quick fix. this just starts an endless up and down cycle. the same goes for when i go too long without taking in high quality carbs. this could be your problem. the only way i found to break the cycle is to take in most of my carbs from veggies and other fibrous sources. they have a very slow release and they are calorically less dense than most other foods because of their water content which means you will get to eat a ton of them. that’s great when dieting because you don’t feel like you are starving yourself. i ocassionally eat stone ground wheat bread, potatoes and rice for carbs as well, but only in moderation. give it a shot. it most certainly worked for me. kevo

Jay,to keep your glycogen levels topped up for your new routine you could take in more carbs post workout.Also,common wisdom would have you eat carbs earlier in the day,because eating them later will allegedly cause them to be atored as fat.I think this is bunk,all I ever used to get from eating carbs earlier in the day was a drop in energy.Aside from my post w/o drinks,I find eating minimal carbs throughout the day keeps me nice and alert,and eating carbs with my last meal of the day,along with some tryptophan rich nuts like sunflower or walnuts,helps me sleep like a baby.If you are prone to carb cravings this is also a good strategy,because if you eat your last meal a couple of hours before hitting the sack,any cravings are less likely to affect you if you are asleep.Also,as previously mentioned,ditch the Gatorade,save the simple sugars for post workout.Good luck…