High Intensity Training

Twenty characters of filler text here.

Darden has some routines at classicx.com.

It hasnā€™t been updated since September 2000 though. But if you want true good HIT, Darden is the best source. The other big name in HIT was Mike Mentzer, but I say ignore anything by him. I doubt I would have found this site if it wasnā€™t for the Classic X website.

Well, HIT has come in A LOT of different guises over the years but I think that Mentzerā€™s original ideas for Heavy Duty were pretty good. Most of us are gym rats anyway so we canā€™t really stand his more recent recommendations of training once every 9-12 days. Bascially you work using pre-exhaustion and work to failure in a 6-10 rep range. Thatā€™s it. So a program would look something like this:

MONDAY - chest/delts/triceps

Incline flyes/incline presses
Laterals/military press


Leg extension/squats
Leg curls/stiff leg deadlift
Calf raises

FRIDAY -back/biceps

Shrugs/bent over row
Machine pullover/pulldown
Barbell curl/supine grip pullup

Now, Mentzer recommended a few warmup sets (ā€˜no more than necessaryā€™) and then one all-out, balls-to-the-wall, ā€œif youā€™re not dying youā€™re not doing it rightā€ set. Rep cadence is fairly slow and deliberate and you make sure you get a full ROM on each rep. Thatā€™s a basic HIT program from the old days.

necro thread.

Ashamed of asking for advice on a HIT program 21 years ago? Donā€™t be shy young man!