How exactly do you do High Intensity Training?
I wanna try it and know basically that its 1 set to failure but i need more specific info.
How often? What excersizes? How many excersizes per bodypart?
How exactly do you do High Intensity Training?
I wanna try it and know basically that its 1 set to failure but i need more specific info.
How often? What excersizes? How many excersizes per bodypart?
It is a bull shit statement replacing the more neanderthal addage, work till it hurts and then continue. Basically, if it hurts, learn to ignore your pain and keep going. Bill Phillips came up with this phrase, and since I have no respect for the cock sucker, I don’t use the term. Just work real hard and that’s HIT.
This is actually a patented phrase, though of course almost every training style is claimed to be “high intensity.” Do a Yahoo search on the three words, and click on the Cyberpump site if you want the patented version. Also do a search under Richard Winett, and see what he has to say about HIT (he is a frequent contributor to Ironman). Stuart McRobert is another important writer in this vein; see his “Hardgainer” website for details
Bill phillips didnt come up with HIT. He recomends HIIT (note the extra I) these are totally different
pat- you are sorely misinformed
hit is high intensity training as far as i know it was popularized by arthur jones. jones was way ahead of his time,you can check out his writings on cyberpump.
hit takes a lot of slack because ,it won’t prescribe specific reps and sets for you ,it instead will recommend a starting point and from there will allow you to determin you individual tolerance.
if your serious about trying hit check cyberpumpor mike mentzers web site (his muscle in minutes or hd2 will rock your world,no bs).
Wojo: I agree with you completely. It’s a pity that Arthur isn’t given more credit for his work. I’m training twice a week, full body and the results are incredible. Some basics – 1 set till failure. Minimal exersizes for each bodypart (many only need one). Each time attempt to do more reps or weight. Right now I work in the 6-10 rep range (when I hit 10 reps I increase the weight slightly and start working up my reps again). Less than 6 reps doesn’t seem to help with strength (on one set) and 7 might be a better minimum.
Jimmy: If you're serious about trying this out I will post my complete workout schedule. It's been fine-tuned over the last few months. There are many HIT workouts out there and some of them didn't work for me (thats why so many give up).
Is HIT anything like Heavy Duty training?
HIT is a very broad term… it basically means brief, intense, infrequent workouts where you always try to improve. Heavy Duty is Mike Mentzers philosophy on how HIT should be done.