Anyone seen this?
There are other threads where Bobo “debunks” the idea of hi-GI carbs being needed post workout, but in this one he specifically calls out Berardi as simply advertising for Surge for $$.
I’ve been using Surge for about 4 months now, and I wonder if it’s even needed… it seems like a normal isolate/concentrate blend made with skim milk w/ some standard low-mod gi carbs would suffice, save me $$ (Surge is very expensive per serving, especially if you weigh > 200 lbs) and potentially help me cut faster (when cutting)… never mind save my teeth (anyone else have sore teeth when drinking Surge?)
I’d love for Berardi to chime in here and go head to head with Bobo over at AM, specially since he’s published his PWO articles over there…
In my mind, if Surge is such a stable of recovery, and it’s obvious that you need 2x CH as you do PRO, and you need the fastest release possible to hit the window, then how come every supp company hasn’t jumped on that bandwagon to make $$? I’m sure BSN, et. al would love to cash in on this…
Basically I’ve been a loyal Surge consumer, but now I question the science behind it… and even if it does help to have high-GI carbs and hydro whey, how much more then an isolate/gatorade shake? or even, as I said above, a concentrate/isolate blend made with skim milk and some whole grain bread w/ peanut butter? sure would be a crapload cheaper…