First Cycle! Here Goes Nothing

I like to research the hell out of something before I do it. So I know exactly what I’m doing.

Week 1- 4
40mg. Dbol ED

Week 1- 12
250mg test e twice a week.
250iu of hcg twice a week. Up to 5 days before pct
.25mg arimidex EOD.

PCT. (4 weeks)- 2 weeks after last pin.
Tamoxifen - 40/40/20/20 ED
Clomid - 50/50/25/25 ED

Took my first shot of test 2day into the quad, aspirated fine, no pain no bleeding.

Height - 5’10
Weight 235
Bf - 20 ish

DL -508
Bench - 325
Squat 365 ( new gym.has no squat rack so can’t teat this)

Arms (Cold) 17.5
Naval - 41
Calves - 18.5
Neck - 17
Chest - 46

I’ll update weekly and take pics once a month.


subscribed too see progress man! im going to run the same cycle in a few weeks! good luck!

Looks pretty solid.
I’d starts the hcG week 3
I’d take some D-bol or Test prop in weeks 13 and 14 as you are wating for the Test E to clear, and just stop like 3-4 days before starting PCT.

Your lift numbers are almost exactly as same as mine…500/325/375…but Im like 5’7 187lb.
Hows the pump from the dbol

Looks good. If I were you though I would front load 500mg more right now, then go back to your twice a week injection plan.

Nice, I’ve been looking forward to this. Are you going to post before/afters?

Thanks.for the replies guys.

I wana keep things simple so not sure about front loading.

@cron, first dbol tabs are tomorrow morning so I’ll let you know. As for the lifts some people are stroops myer.tHan others,.just the way it is.

@Rds yep, sure am. Coming up



No reason to wait to start hCG if you have enough for the 12 weeks…
Why would he frontload a first cycle…then again I think front-loading is stupid period, just IMO.
Only thing I would of changed was run dbol in the last 4 weeks instead of the first 4. Otherwise looks nice.
At the BF% you may find you need to bump up your AI.

Why run the Dbol is the last 4 weeks as opposed to the first 4?

Make sweet love to that AI brother. Your nipples will thank you.

Yeah not to hijack the thread but maybe you could explain why front loading is dumb and why you suggest throwing dbol at the end of a cycle for a guy with high BF % ?

Marzouk, no squat rack in a gym? there should be laws against this, lol.

Yeah Pops, tell me about it. My old gym had one but I moved house n had to change gyms. I know the goods here have them but the membership
Is over $1000 a year. On an Egyptian salary that is extortion.

My bro started the exact same cycle as this 3 week’s ago and all seemail fine.
No sides at all so I’m hoping for the best.

Forgot to state my goals. Basically guna try n recomp the best I can.

Also forgot to mention I’ll be rrunning 2 week cycles of clen throughout.

Dont know if it was a Placebo effect but my gum session was unreal this morning. I felt like i could kept going for hours.

D-bol is like haveing pre workout in you all the time without the shakes or any of the stimulant effects. Absolutely unreal.

The next 12 weeks are going to be ridiculous.

Damn those pics make me look like a sack of shit lol

After my chemist visit yesterday - full cycles worth of everything.

$90 worth including the a-dex.

It’s his first cycle, gaining a better insight into how he reacts personally to administered exogenous testosterone before adding in other compounds will provide a better reference point for future cycles. His natural levels would likely mimic a TRT dosage of 90mg-150mg of exo test, meaning that he has growth potential from anywhere above his current natural level and the peak level he plans on cycling at. Frontloading immediately eliminates this growth potential and the body will be quicker in compensating for his eventual peak blood levels straight from the beginning.

On the cautionary side, he has a high body fat percentage meaning higher levels of aromatization, throwing in immediate peak blood levels of test along with dianabol and having 0 experience to how to tailor an AI to his specific needs…

Once he has experienced as much growth, and there will be plenty from the test E alone it will no doubt start to level out as he reaches week 6-8, here would be a more efficient time to include dbol and yield as many gains in lean tissue as possible.

Maybe you could explain to me why frontloading is good, anything will do aside perhaps “because bill roberts…”

@Bigjj i see where you are coming from. Especially with the AI and body fat etc.

If i react ok to the test E what u think about increasing to 750mg from week 8-12 for an extra kick?

[quote]BigJJ88 wrote:
It’s his first cycle, gaining a better insight into how he reacts personally to administered exogenous testosterone before adding in other compounds will provide a better reference point for future cycles. His natural levels would likely mimic a TRT dosage of 90mg-150mg of exo test, meaning that he has growth potential from anywhere above his current natural level and the peak level he plans on cycling at. Frontloading immediately eliminates this growth potential and the body will be quicker in compensating for his eventual peak blood levels straight from the beginning.

On the cautionary side, he has a high body fat percentage meaning higher levels of aromatization, throwing in immediate peak blood levels of test along with dianabol and having 0 experience to how to tailor an AI to his specific needs…

Once he has experienced as much growth, and there will be plenty from the test E alone it will no doubt start to level out as he reaches week 6-8, here would be a more efficient time to include dbol and yield as many gains in lean tissue as possible.

Maybe you could explain to me why frontloading is good, anything will do aside perhaps “because bill roberts…”[/quote]

Front loading does not eliminate his growth potential it actually takes advantage of the premium growth weeks.

Due to a slow release, (when using an attached heavy ester is injected) at routine intervals, peak plasma concentrations can take weeks to elevate and remain stable. This is why most users do not notice performance results with heavy esters until a few weeks into the AAS cycle. Plasma levels must first build up to significant amounts to support the events associated with gains in strength and muscle mass. The esterâ??s speed of release is typically documented by itâ??s associated half-life, the time it takes for half of the administered steroid to metabolize.
I think thats a true common statement we all can agree on.

Cycle of 500mgs per week

Week 1- 500mg used…After 7 days 250mg left - so active test delivered in that wk 250mg

Week 2 - 500mg used…+ 250mg (left over) = 750mg - test active for that wk = 375mg

Week 3 - 500mg used…+375mg (left over)= 875mg - test active for that wk=437.5mg

Week 4 - 500mg used…+437.5mg(left over)=937.5mg - test active for that wk=488.7mg

Week 5 - 500mg used…+488.7mg(left over)=988.7mg - test active for that wk=494.3mg

Week 6 - 500mg used…+494.3mg(left over)=994.3mg - test active for that wk=497.1mg

Week 7 - 500mg used…+497.1mg(left over)=997.1- test active for that week=498.5mg

(TOOK 7 weeks to achieve weekly dosage, that sounds like a waste to me if anything.)

Most muscular gains are best made during the first several weeks(1-6) of an anabolic steroid cycle; results dwindle after six to eight weeks of application. Immediately flooding the system (front loading) with long esters makes the most of this sensitive period. Simply put: front loading gets the cycle started quicker â?? while the body is most receptive of growth cues. Not front loading wastes the most important weeks of growth in the cycle.

Having him use his dbol at the beginning, where he is most susceptive to growth makes more sense as well. Get the most growth out of the drug at the proper time. Sides with test and dbol are easily manageable with an AI and the benefits out way the risk IMO. I think we can both agree he is going to way more susceptible to sides than say, you or I just because of his BF but this can be so easily controlled. (For the record I would not have suggested dbol to him but he sounds pretty set on it).

I was not trying to start a dueling match on this guys thread I was genuinely asking why you didn’t like front loading.

[quote]BigJJ88 wrote:
It’s his first cycle, gaining a better insight into how he reacts personally to administered exogenous testosterone before adding in other compounds will provide a better reference point for future cycles. His natural levels would likely mimic a TRT dosage of 90mg-150mg of exo test, meaning that he has growth potential from anywhere above his current natural level and the peak level he plans on cycling at. Frontloading immediately eliminates this growth potential and the body will be quicker in compensating for his eventual peak blood levels straight from the beginning.

On the cautionary side, he has a high body fat percentage meaning higher levels of aromatization, throwing in immediate peak blood levels of test along with dianabol and having 0 experience to how to tailor an AI to his specific needs…

Once he has experienced as much growth, and there will be plenty from the test E alone it will no doubt start to level out as he reaches week 6-8, here would be a more efficient time to include dbol and yield as many gains in lean tissue as possible.

Maybe you could explain to me why frontloading is good, anything will do aside perhaps “because bill roberts…”[/quote]

Frontloading gets your levels up to the point that you want to have them at. It doesn’t go “above” that. It takes away weeks in the beginning of the cycle that are not really doing anything for you growth wise.